We'd like to say hello from Eugene, Oregon. Though we live in a small city in the Pacific Northwest, we must say that we are incredibly blessed to feel used by God to share his love all over the world. We have lived in Portland and Los Angeles for stints of time, having amazing times serving him and meeting incredible people of God. We have traveled the entire west coast, to Canada, Hawaii, and China using our gifts for music evangelism, and worship to bring his word and healing to the hungry and needy.
We are a married couple who leads worship, and performs in church and out in the community. We want to bless the believer, and draw the un-churched all at the same time. We are a mixed 'race' (though there truly only is only one race:
Gen 1:26, "let us make man in our image, in our likeness") couple, married for nearly 16 years. We believe that God uses our relationship to be a blessing to others. We break down barriers, we build bridges between people who have typically not gotten along.
One nickname we have for ourselves is "Agents of Unity". We enjoy helping non-believers get a fresh perspective of who Christians are. They need to know that God loves them no matter what they have done, and he offers salvation through Christ to them too, even though they have been skeptical and sinful for many years.
We maintain a website at
www.shelleyandcal.com. It is exciting to have the potential on discussions like this to connect with other like-minded people to share ideas, scripture and encouragement with each other.