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Old 04-16-2010, 02:27 PM
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Re: A Loving appeal to those that wear makeup

Originally Posted by The Mrs View Post

I have been away from AFF, and haven't read this thread, but after reading your post, I have an appeal for you as well.

Could you please let God know that He REALLY messed things up when He created woman and gave her the desires that He did? The desire for beautiful things, soft things, lacey, frilly things. Colorful things, pretty things.

It's because of this that makes me a woman. And different from you, a man.

I love to make my house nice, my hair nice, to dress nice, and to wear make-up that enhances my own beauty. I want everything to be beautiful.

How dare God create us with that???

If you ask me, it's those that refrain, calling it Godly, that are actually fighting against the very nature that God created in them.
Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Sometimes we can be so proud of our humility.

I come from a UC background too. All I can say is that there isn't any Scripture prohibitting makeup. However, modesty, as with our clothing (not talking about dress codes) should be considered. Just don't over do it.

What truly separates us from the world isn't how we look... it's how we live and behave. Obey these ten simple "standards"... and you'll be as separate as God intends you to be. But be cautious... obeying these ten standards can't save you... only Jesus can:

Thou shalt have no other gods before Me (Believe in ONE God)
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image (Do not participate in idolatry)
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord
thy God in vain, for the Lord will not
hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain (Reverence the name of Jesus)
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy (Set time aside for worship at least once a week)
Honor thy father and thy mother,
that thy days may be long upon the land
which the Lord thy God giveth thee (Honor your parents and value family)
Thou shalt not murder (Honor life and do not seek to kill or assinate one's character)
Thou shalt not commit adultery (Be faithful to your spouse both inwardly and outwardly)
Thou shalt not steal (Respect other people's property and do not take it)
Thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neighbor (Always be of honest report)
Thou shalt not covet (Be thankful for what you have and don't be consumed with lust and materialism)
Now that's separation God's way.
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Old 04-16-2010, 02:44 PM
yisroelm yisroelm is offline
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Re: A Loving appeal to those that wear makeup

Dear "Mrs." Holy Greeting from across the miles. I don't believe Almighty God makes mistakes. I am married to a lovely girl, I have two beautiful daughters and many sisters in the Faith once delivered to the saints. And they love things to be clean and neat and I'm all for it. I love to walk in the house and smell bleach or pine sol and see things immaculate and in order. And I am not to good to help. My daughters and my spiritual sisters are the same. Neat clean orderly is our motto. I sense what you and I are dealing with here is a matter of perception.

You see my wife, daughters, and the spiritual sisters we are in fellowship with don't need makeup, jewelry and costly array to feel loved needed and validated. They may not preach from behind the pulpit, but I do not have the gift of a Holiness sister to be a midwife . The older sisters teach the younger and lift up the hands of us ministering brethren .

I know very few things more comforting to us younger ordained elders than to know that the sisters have been in travailing prayer and fasting for our governing body, knowing that we watch for their souls . I have felt it as we have deliberated and wept over difficult things that have had a profound impact on our collective testimony as an assembly to a lost and dying world.

My wife expressed just a moment ago that many ladies we know who do not stand with us tell her constantly they regard our saints in a good way. My oldest daughter who will be twelve can pretty much run a household I thank God for that. My son her bro. is just one year younger and we teach in the home and our people do also that the boys need to treat their physical sisters with the utmost respect, preferring them and learning what it means that the Lord made them a weaker vessel ( maybe physically )

That their spiritual sisters they are to be gentleman and little men of God and not very familiar with them but an example of a sincere boy seeking God. This is our burden , we feel sometimes like spiritual Nehemiah's building on the House of God in the time of trouble . As this nation and the world including professed, compromising Christianity move further towards destruction daily our burden strengthens , the spiritual trowel and shovel in hand building and Working to repair what the liars , seducers and vain teachers are taking from people .

Yes we are strangers in a strange land , our citizenship is a part of the Assembly of the Firstborn. I pray that i have related the burden of the Remnant to you.Worldliness and Materialism of which makeup and immodesty go hand in hand are ploys of the adversary to lull people in to the slumber of destruction. My heart yearns for the cry throughout the land of the Remnant bride , the little flock without spot , blemish or any such thing : Holiness unto the LORD!

May the LORD Bless our understanding.
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Old 04-16-2010, 02:53 PM
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Re: A Loving appeal to those that wear makeup

Yisroelm, I don't agree with you on many things, but you sound like a great group of people, and I really appreciate the gracious attitude you present.
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Old 04-16-2010, 02:54 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: A Loving appeal to those that wear makeup

Someone deleted my post...
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Old 04-16-2010, 02:56 PM
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Re: A Loving appeal to those that wear makeup

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Someone deleted my post...
There are no deleted posts on the thread. You posted a thumbs up with a pulpit in response to The Mrs. is that what you're referring to?
"Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
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Old 04-16-2010, 03:19 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: A Loving appeal to those that wear makeup

Originally Posted by Michael Phelps View Post
There are no deleted posts on the thread. You posted a thumbs up with a pulpit in response to The Mrs. is that what you're referring to?
LOL...I posted it on another thread. Sorry - .
Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 04-16-2010, 03:26 PM
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Re: A Loving appeal to those that wear makeup

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
Whew, so you are back in THE ARK. Thank heavens you are saved now!!!!
Though I am back in the ARK I am the stinkiest of all the animals.....

"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
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Old 04-16-2010, 03:29 PM
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Re: A Loving appeal to those that wear makeup

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
Actually, he said that research has shown that when UPC events come to large cities, porn rentals stop in hotels. It's all right there on the tape. I've only saved a few tapes from the old days, as "evidence" of the wackiness. This LS tape would be at the top of the list!

Wait, I saved another tape..."Charge it to God's account", by Richard Heard. It was the only time I've seen people crawl to the altar. It's about Paul and Onesimus. Amazing. And he didn't say a thing about the Red Hefer. And the pulpit didn't split in half. But wait, that's a positive UPC example. But wait, he left!!!

I understand that Richard never went along with the pulpit-splitting story.

Wow, how did I go from Stoneking, to Heard, to Tenney, to God-chasers in a short post??

I have heard Heard (echo!?) talk about that story a few times. He went along with it cause it DID happen. I heard him speak about it once before they started the new Campus. People were worried about leaving where God had met them before and He said God is always moving but yet His spirit does reside in places....like our hearts and if God is in our hearts then the building doesn;t matter as much. GREAT preacher!
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
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Old 04-16-2010, 03:35 PM
CAD/JPY CAD/JPY is offline
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Re: A Loving appeal to those that wear makeup

Originally Posted by yisroelm View Post
Since this is AFF it would seem that most people have heard all of the Scriptural references concerning Makeup although compare wicked Queen Jezebel in 2 Kings 2:12-13; and Queen Esther ( Haddasah) in Esther 9:30. Esther is not mentioned as using paint only oil of myrrh etc. basically perfume and moisturizing agents . These are all permissible.
Hi there, we are about the same age and I commend you for overall "attitude" in your posts. Just curious if you or your elders ever go hunting?

See with the type of proof you have referenced above, I am afraid you and your elders must give up hunting of any sort. Never in the Holy Bible is hunting associated with Godly people.

Esau was a hunter – he gave away his birthright! If a godly man was to hunt, is he in danger of giving away his spiritual inheritance?

was a hunter – he founded the City of Babylon! Certainly any godly man wouldn’t want to be associated with this typology of rebellion?

See there is a spirit associated with the desire to wear makeup, uh, I mean to go hunting. You are desiring to take the life of a living animal for your own benefit. This is the same spirit as Jezebel, an adulterous women for the scripture says:
Proverbs 6:26
For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adultress will hunt for the precious life.

Would you allow yourself to be associated with a whore?? What about a rebel?? So with that stance on makeup, I really hope none of your association hunts.

an apostolic aquaintance who understands where you are at
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:20 PM
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Re: A Loving appeal to those that wear makeup

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Wow! I didn't even see this cool thread and it's already filling up! Way to go yisroelm! I envy your gifts and talent!

I am not the "Ultra Con" type - I don't even like to use the label on those who are. However, I think yisroelm does touch on some important points here.

I have a teen aged daughter and she doesn't wear makeup and does "follow the dress code." However, watching her grow up, I've seen how the whole "self image" thing that girls go through can be painful and really does pile on useless nonsense in demanding that they make certain purchases and support the multi-billion dollar fashion industry.

I think that a complete "natural" approach is often called for - at least from time to time. I see some of the kids she brings home from school and takes to the youth group and my heart breaks for them. There is an element of what I would call "abuse" being marketed here to our kids - IMHO.

However, while what you plaster on you face may indicate some of the pain and conflict within your heart - to completely abstain for "touch up" or tinted Clearasil and lip gloss as matter of "salvation" doesn't line up with anything in the Bible.

I just have problems with the targeted marketing. Real problems.
Pel, I agree with your post. We try very hard to protect our daughters from the idea that they're only pretty if they're painted up. Sure, cover a zit if you need to, but I HATE the idea that men are visually acceptable exactly as they are, while women are seen as plain or frumpy if they look natural. If looking clean, neat & well-groomed is good enough for men, it should certainly be good enough for our beautiful daughters!
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