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Old 03-29-2010, 03:43 PM
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Re: Bush Wipes hands

From Wikipedia....

Ninety percent of the residents of southeast Louisiana were evacuated in the most successful evacuation of a major urban area in the nation's history. Despite this, many remained (mainly the elderly and poor). The Louisiana Superdome was used for those who remained in the city. The city flooded due to the failure of the federally built levee system.[5] Many who remained in their homes had to swim for their lives, wade through deep water, or remain trapped in their attics or on their rooftops.

The disaster had major implications for a large segment of the population, economy, and politics of the entire United States. It has prompted a Congressional review of the Corps of Engineers and the failure of portions of the federally built flood protection system which experts agree should have protected the city's inhabitants from Katrina's surge. Katrina has also stimulated significant research in the academic community into urban planning, real estate finance, and economic issues in the wake of a natural disaster.[6]
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Old 03-29-2010, 03:45 PM
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Re: Bush Wipes hands

Last Updated: Tuesday, 6 September 2005, 11:35 GMT 12:35 UK

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Britons describe hurricane ordeal

The rubbish-strewn Superdome
Britons returning from New Orleans have described the horrifying conditions there.
They were among the thousands forced to seek refuge from the floods that engulfed the city following Hurricane Katrina.

Some 96 Britons still remain unaccounted for.

Student Michelle Andrews, 20, said she had been sheltering on the 17th floor of a New Orleans hotel when Katrina hit.

They just turned us away and said we would have to fend for ourselves

Michelle Andrews

"We just lay down in the corridors as these thick white clouds just closed in on us. It was Hell."

But after the hurricane passed, the hotel asked Ms Andrews, from south Wales, and the friends she was travelling with to leave.

"We went to a convention centre where the National Guard was based - but they just turned us away and said we would have to fend for ourselves."

The group ended up sleeping rough on a 30ft-high covered walkway before being found by an Australian television crew and rescued.

"Every day we woke to more dead bodies and people with guns. There was polluted water everywhere and the smell was awful. And there was no electricity. It was so dark."

Nurse Teresa Cherrie, 42, and her partner lorry driver John Drysdale, 41, said they had flown to the US on 27 August, after their travel company told them the "tropical storm" would only last a day.

We got told to go ahead and enjoy our holiday

John Drysdale

"We never had any idea of what we were getting into. We got told to go ahead and enjoy our holiday," Mr Drysdale said.

The couple, from Renfrew in Scotland, fled from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, where they were forced to scavenge for food, while hiding from armed gangs.

"We were getting followed about... they were saying, 'They've got water, they've got water'," Mr Drysdale said.

Ms Cherrie said they would send a cheque to reimburse a store they had looted.

"We only took some water and we took some food and some tins and a carton of cigarettes."

Jenny Sachs, of Sheffield, told how soldiers had to smuggle her out of the Superdome in secret.

She was one of about 30 Britons who, realising they could not escape the city, had fled to the stadium for shelter.

The military got us out, which we were all thankful for

Jenny Sachs

Watch Jenny Sachs

"It has hit me more now I am at home, when you can have clean water, how bad it was," she said.

She said people had been raped and that others were beaten up.

"A guy was brought in who had seven stab wounds and was covered in blood."

The military told all non-US citizens to stay together for safety, Ms Sachs added.

They later told them they would be secretly smuggled out in groups of 10 under cover of darkness as it had become too dangerous for them to remain in the stadium, she told BBC News.

"When we were leaving, people were going 'Where are you going?' and giving us looks.

"But the military got us out, which we were all thankful for."


After looters had broken into New Orleans' Ramada Hotel, bus driver Ged Scott, 36, of Liverpool - stranded with his wife Sandra, 37, and their seven-year-old son, Ronan - had waded waist-deep through the filthy water to barricade the hotel's doors, he told BBC News.

I could see bodies floating in the water
Ged Scott

Watch the interview

"It was like wading through an open sewer.

"It reeked to high heaven and made you want to vomit.

"Outside I could see bodies floating in the water."

Mr Scott told BBC News he had ripped wires attached to speakers from the walls of the flooded hotel bar and tied tables and chairs together as makeshift barricades.

Hotel guests had already managed to chase one group of looters from the building, he added.

They had then taken turns patrolling the hotel's corridors with a torch, Mr Scott told BBC News.

The rest of the eye witness accounts from this BBC report are here.

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Old 03-29-2010, 03:54 PM
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Re: Bush Wipes hands


I typed that I love your soul because to say I love you I felt would have been inappropriate.

I only know you from AFF, I have never met you in person, and though we have clashed many times before, you have never disrespected me.

It appears to some that my response was over-the-top towards you.

I never meant it to be taken that way.

But it has been taken that way and I bear the responsibility of communication when I communicate.

Esther, I apologize for sounding harsh, rude, unloving, and generally un-Christian in responding to you.

Please forgive me.

Jermyn Davidson
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Old 03-29-2010, 07:25 PM
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Re: Bush Wipes hands

Before going on, Barbara said nothing about blacks, though they were the majority probably.

Here is what she said
Almost everyone I�ve talked to says we’re going to move to Houston.” Then she added: “What I’m hearing is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.

“And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this,”—she chuckles slightly—“this is working very well for them.”

Sounds like a misguided way of hyping Texas hospitality,but it does not make George W Bush a racist
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Old 03-29-2010, 07:29 PM
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Re: Bush Wipes hands

It looks as much like he was touching Bill to say "Let's go" and let his hand slide down on his shirt...,doesn't mean he was trying to wipe something off.

What was he wiping off? Blackness? Good grief
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Old 03-29-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: Bush Wipes hands

Originally Posted by Light View Post
Bush shakes black mans hand then wipes his hand on Clinton's shirt

Oh c'mon, Jermyn. From the looks of it, Bush simply patted Clinton on the shoulder - and then found that shoulder to be really sweaty.

You seem to be digging for things to be angry about here. Sit a spell and listen to one of my rants and you'll have plenty to be angry about without resorting to Indy Media and HuffPo.

Concerning your posts about Katrina - President Bush pleaded and begged with then Louisiana Governor Blanco (D.) to order an evacuation of New Orleans before the storm hit. She refused right up until the very last minute. She wanted to show that she didn't take orders from those Republicans in Washington!

Bush did everything he legally could to get people out of the way of that storm - black people, white people, creole people - all people! The President of the United States however cannot order an evacuation of civilians like that, only state governors can. It's in the Constitution to limit the ability of the Federal government to herd us around.

It was Governor Blanco's fault that so many people were left behind, not the President's.

See http://www.gpoaccess.gov/serialset/c...inanation.html

Last edited by pelathais; 03-29-2010 at 09:15 PM.
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Old 03-29-2010, 09:18 PM
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Re: Bush Wipes hands

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
It looks as much like he was touching Bill to say "Let's go" and let his hand slide down on his shirt...,doesn't mean he was trying to wipe something off.

What was he wiping off? Blackness? Good grief
I wonder if George W. Bush wiped his hands off after touching Condi Rice so many times?

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Old 03-30-2010, 06:30 AM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Re: Bush Wipes hands

For the record I didn't Like GWB, haven't liked any president since Reagan. But this over reaction to a supposed slight is just plain ridiculous. Especially since it is being made by folks who think Barry the Messiah, the worst failure to ever hold the post, hung the Sun, the moon and the stars.

Just sayin'

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Old 03-30-2010, 07:09 AM
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Re: Bush Wipes hands

Oh, my goodness!!! ROFL!!!! The ONLY notable thing about the video is that Bush wiped his hand on CLINTON'S SHIRT!!!!! THAT is hilarious.

1. The racism (IF that's what it is) of Barbara Bush is irrelevant to this conversation. Lots of people in my family are racist. That doesn't make me one.

2. There is NO way to know why Bush wiped his hand. Sorry. No matter what the reason, he showed BC the most disrespect by wiping whatever was offensive on his shirt, and that is just plain funny.

I have shaken hands with people before and could FEEL the grime in their hands. Did I wipe my hands (or wash my hands) as soon as possible? YES! And I wouldn't refrain just because they were black. Black people get dirt and grime on their hands just like anyone else. LOL!!!!!
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Old 03-30-2010, 08:14 AM
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Re: Bush Wipes hands

Originally Posted by John Atkinson View Post
For the record I didn't Like GWB, haven't liked any president since Reagan. But this over reaction to a supposed slight is just plain ridiculous. Especially since it is being made by folks who think Barry the Messiah, the worst failure to ever hold the post, hung the Sun, the moon and the stars.

Just sayin'

JOHN you know you are telling a false hood. Trying to be nice with the heart ha.
John what will you and all the ney sayers say if the policies of this administration return this Country back like Clinton left it, with a surplus?
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