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Old 03-02-2010, 09:44 PM
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Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
I didn't watch the whole Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey vide. It's just too long. I did watch the Louisiana Camp Meeting video with A.M. Now, somebody explain the difference between those 2 videos. Aren't they both choreographed?
Actually, they are both doing the exact same thing - trying to get everyone to respond in a certain way. Admittedly, the Hokey Pokey thing is more unconventional, but the motive is the same. I won't say they're either one wrong - just both a bit weird.

We do a lot of "action" songs, but people can respond if they want to. I hope they never feel pressured to do something that they don't feel comfortable with.
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Old 03-02-2010, 09:51 PM
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Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
Actually, they are both doing the exact same thing - trying to get everyone to respond in a certain way. Admittedly, the Hokey Pokey thing is more unconventional, but the motive is the same. I won't say they're either one wrong - just both a bit weird.

We do a lot of "action" songs, but people can respond if they want to. I hope they never feel pressured to do something that they don't feel comfortable with.
I don't think they are doing the exact same thing. AM's church is at the end of a week of campmeeting. It's a totally different atmosphere going on. I'm sure the energy level is high, he feels what he's saying, IMO.

Most people are not going to dance if they don't feel like dancing. That's one thing I do know. And they aren't going to speak in tongues unless God moves on them. That's another thing I know.

He could speak that in faith and it probably could and did happen.
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Old 03-02-2010, 09:52 PM
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Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I guess I just never take any of that as serious. It's just a speaker full of passion and fired up excitement. You know he's not going to hog tie you and make you do it. LOL!

Most of the time when we hear someone say something like this, we are responding if we feel it and listening if we don't. I doubt anyone in the building thinks they have to dance and speak in tongues. Well, I know they don't, because when you see the camera scanning the audience they aren't all cooperating because they know they don't have to. I know I don't have to if I'm there.

Anyway, he isn't working up the crowd. He actually is feeling what he is saying. I know that much about him. He's not a liar.
I didn't say he was a liar. He's a manipulative preacher who believes he has an obligation to make people do things and then believe it's actually the "Holy Ghost."

But if Anthony is "full of passion and fired up excitement", you could say exactly the same thing about the Hokey-pokey dude. Like I said originally, same song, second verse. It's just the same ole, same ole of getting the crowd worked up, but it has a different look to it.
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Old 03-02-2010, 09:56 PM
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Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey

Originally Posted by TroubleMaker View Post
I didn't say he was a liar. He's a manipulative preacher who believes he has an obligation to make people do things and then believe it's actually the "Holy Ghost."

But if Anthony is "full of passion and fired up excitement", you could say exactly the same thing about the Hokey-pokey dude. Like I said originally, same song, second verse. It's just the same ole, same ole of getting the crowd worked up, but it has a different look to it.
Well, maybe I know how AM better than I do the people in the first video. I know he wouldn't act in such a fashion if he didn't feel to do it. I don't consider him a manipulative preacher. He also has a very large and successful church. A church known for prayer. I would expect things to happen on a higher level because of all of that.

Anyway, IMO, the Hokey Pokey thing is way out there. I don't consider what AM is doing as weird. They are a tongue talking church because he is a tongue talking preacher. He doesn't demand anything that he doesn't do and experience himself. I do know that about him. I can take that better than someone making demands who doesn't do those things himself.
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Old 03-02-2010, 09:57 PM
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Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
AM's church is at the end of a week of campmeeting. It's a totally different atmosphere going on. I'm sure the energy level is high, he feels what he's saying, IMO.
How do you know that? Do you have any idea what the setting was for the Hokey-pokey folks? Maybe they were at the end of something, in fact, they referenced having done the Hokey previously. But really, what difference does it make if they were at the end of a camp meeting? It still is what it is.
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Old 03-02-2010, 10:03 PM
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Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey

Originally Posted by TroubleMaker View Post
How do you know that? Do you have any idea what the setting was for the Hokey-pokey folks? Maybe they were at the end of something, in fact, they referenced having done the Hokey previously. But really, what difference does it make if they were at the end of a camp meeting? It still is what it is.
Well, I don't know, TM. You are right. I just know AM and I understand the atmosphere at his church. What he preached in the video is faith to him. The people there don't take that as manipulation. I absolutely do know that.

I also know they won't be doing the Hokey Pokey. LOL!
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Old 03-02-2010, 10:04 PM
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Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Well, maybe I know how AM better than I do the people in the first video. I know he wouldn't act in such a fashion if he didn't feel to do it. I don't consider him a manipulative preacher. He also has a very large and successful church. A church known for prayer. I would expect things to happen on a higher level because of all of that.

Anyway, IMO, the Hokey Pokey thing is way out there. I don't consider what AM is doing as weird. They are a tongue talking church because he is a tongue talking preacher. He doesn't demand anything that he doesn't do and experience himself. I do know that about him. I can take that better than someone making demands who doesn't do those things himself.

He inherited a large and successful church. Not dumping on that, but it should be clear. And of course he "felt led". I'm sure the Hokey guy felt led, too. I'm sure the Pope feels led to do stuff. That's no excuse. And the church is known for prayer? Muslims are known for prayer.

I DO consider what Anthony did to be weird. VERY weird. And I 100% guarantee you that if one single person in our church were to see that, they would totally FREAK!! Weird is in the eye of the beholder and in that charismatic setting, it doesn't look like anyone thought it was weird.

But speaking of making demands and not doing it, did you hear Anthony speak in tongues? I didn't. Did he dance? Nope. His heels might have cleared air, but that's it.

So I see no difference between what the two are doing. For me, they're both despicable. If there IS a difference, it would be this: The Hokey guy was much less demanding and didn't seem angry like Anthony did. And in general, they looked like they were having fun.
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Old 03-02-2010, 10:07 PM
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Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey

Whatever brings glory to God, I'm not going to criticize. If people were being healed because of their faith and obedience, then more power to them! They were testifying and giving the glory to Jesus, so who knows? I don't really want the Hokey Pokey at Love & Truth Church, but I also don't want someone getting up and telling everyone to dance before they leave. God calls us each to different things. Thank the Lord we're not all alike.
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Old 03-02-2010, 10:08 PM
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Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey

Originally Posted by TroubleMaker View Post
He inherited a large and successful church. Not dumping on that, but it should be clear. And of course he "felt led". I'm sure the Hokey guy felt led, too. I'm sure the Pope feels led to do stuff. That's no excuse. And the church is known for prayer? Muslims are known for prayer.

I DO consider what Anthony did to be weird. VERY weird. And I 100% guarantee you that if one single person in our church were to see that, they would totally FREAK!! Weird is in the eye of the beholder and in that charismatic setting, it doesn't look like anyone thought it was weird.

But speaking of making demands and not doing it, did you hear Anthony speak in tongues? I didn't. Did he dance? Nope. His heels might have cleared air, but that's it.

So I see no difference between what the two are doing. For me, they're both despicable. If there IS a difference, it would be this: The Hokey guy was much less demanding and didn't seem angry like Anthony did. And in general, they looked like they were having fun.
I'm tired of talking about this. LOL!
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Old 03-02-2010, 10:12 PM
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Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Well, I don't know, TM. You are right. I just know AM and I understand the atmosphere at his church. What he preached in the video is faith to him. The people there don't take that as manipulation. I absolutely do know that.

I also know they won't be doing the Hokey Pokey. LOL!

I understand. I just know that if I were to walk into a church building and the preacher started yelling at me to do that stuff, I would fight the urge to make a terrible gesture. For me, it's just incredibly disrespectful. And for what it's worth, I've known him a little. We've never been best buds, but I've known him. The sermon, "My Responsibility To This Generation" was a large starting point for me to be in the ministry.

But something has changed. He now routinely says, "Let's make the devil mad" and foolishness like that to get the crowd worked up...even said it on a choir recording. I never heard it years ago. Seems like a switch has flipped...and I think it's sad. If the Day of Pentecost is the example for what pentecostals do, it's a far cry from what happened that day.
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