Originally Posted by JaneEyre
Please disregard the pleas for a monetary contribution. Scroll down and see the list of congressmen considered "Swing Votes" on health care. The central column is their DC office. Of course you don't have to live in their district to call and express your opinion and concern.
I found this statement from DebraSmith interesting from that site.
"We found out just how much these people want to help the poor, when they put in the bill that people will be
THROWN IN JAIL if they do not pay into the government health “insurance” plan! What is that?
Nancy and Louise and Obama and the others expect us to believe that they feel so badly for people who are losing their homes because of high medical bills, when they are fine with tossing those people in JAIL??? umm… I think they will lose their homes if they are sitting in jail! Jeepers! Do they think we are stupid???
what about the homeless? Is congress going to take over the housing industry next and all of our homes, because there are people who do not have homes. How DARE we have homes, while people are homeless! Where are hour hearts!
What about those who do not have enough to eat?
Are the grocery stores next on congress’s take over list? Louise Slaughter cannot tell me that we are to believe that she cares about a woman wearing her dead sister’s teeth, but does not care about the child going hungry on the streets. This all, while
congress voted themselves yet another raise!!!"
I would love to know who voted for themselves a raise!