Originally Posted by Mr. Steinway
Come to think of it, a square dance could bring revival to your church because everyone has to do exactly as you say! (as long as it's done to good fiddling music!)
Grab your partner by the hand
bring them to the alter to stand
Take your hand and put under their chin
'till those tongues come rollin' in
dededede dedede dededede dedede
If that don't work put your hand on their head
sometimes this works best instead
Get in their ear and yell real loud
"Let Go!", "Hang on!" 'till their eardrums are wowed!
dededede dedede dededede dedede
It is not a square dance without:
"Step right up your doing fine, I'll pull your beard, you'll pull mine,
Yank it again like you did before, break it up with a tug of war...."
"Now into the brook and fish for the trout, dive right in and splash about...
Trout trout pretty little trout, one more splash and come right out......"