~Need Prayer, Challenging Week Ahead~
We have 5 Recovery homes that we pastor or provide Spiritual Covering for.
A few of the coordinators we inherited outside of our direct control. They don't have the same burden, passion or vision for these people that we do.
I have let some things slide, out of concern not to kill the wheat in an effort to remove the tares. Well, now I have to do something.
Our church owns one of the houses that this group uses, so there is leverage with this house alone. These (tares) have influence over about 30 of these desperate and broken people, there is the possibility that we will lose all of them.
We have baptized about 20 or more of them and many have received the Holy Spirit. 15 just completed a 12 Week New Life Bible Study.
I need some encouragement that this has not been done for nought.
My fear is that these unregenerate coordinators will poison these souls against the church.
But it has come to a head, if I don't step in and make some hard choices then the future repercussions will be most significant.
So I will be giving them notice this week to vacate the property in 60 days, I would do shorter but that is the law when it comes to rental property.
Appreciate prayer, as I can already sense in the spirit (a dream warning) that the adversary is stirred up.
Specific Prayer:
Pray that those who are true sheep will hear the shepherd's voice (Jesus) and the voice of the under-shepherd (me) and come through this tumult.
That the group in question leave peaceablly and accept the notice that I give them.
That the matter not hurt our local church.
Please pray for India
My personal mission is to BRING people into a right relationship with God, GROW them up to maturity and SEND them back into the world to minister.