Originally Posted by Hoovie
Even that being the case it changes nothing - actions speak louder than codified documents.
Love for others is a UPC characteristic. I see them opening homes, arms and wallets to would be homeless strangers. Many are poverty level themselves but outgive some professionals with much greater incomes because they love people, love Jesus and His gospel.
I am sure what you say is true. But...as an outsider who only visited a few UPC churches...
I went to a DS church over more than 150 UPC churches. I had met him a couple of weeks prior. He knew me as minister, but also knew I was not UPC. I sat on the second row of pews, he stared me down and ignored me during the service. Protocol would have demanded he at least acknowledge the prescence of another minister, "Glad to have Bro... with us today." At the door I thanked him for preaching such a good word. There was no, "come back, glad to have you..." Nothing. The people there acted pretty much the same way, no one spoke execept a lady who asked me to move seats so she could sit next to her kids.
If this is typical....no wonder visitors don't want to attend a "church."
I can take people being rude to me...so I'm not giving a cry sob story. Just saying that there was not ANY of the "by this shall all men know" love in demonstration at this highly placed and well connected UPC DS church.