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Old 12-12-2009, 05:33 PM
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Re: WPF church back on the offensive?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey View Post
It is.
Then how did we get off on discussing M. Young's waistline? I'm confused.
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Old 12-12-2009, 05:35 PM
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Re: WPF church back on the offensive?

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
Then how did we get off on discussing M. Young's waistline? I'm confused.
Other thread. Confusing threads likely. M. Young has a separate post where someone posted a video where he said he "doesn't need scripture and verse." That was the initial thread.
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Old 12-12-2009, 06:08 PM
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Re: WPF church back on the offensive?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey View Post
Other thread. Confusing threads likely. M. Young has a separate post where someone posted a video where he said he "doesn't need scripture and verse." That was the initial thread.
Okay, thanks.
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Old 12-12-2009, 08:13 PM
On The Wheel On The Wheel is offline
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Re: WPF church back on the offensive?

Originally Posted by Socialite View Post
todays rhema word


not too much new information

one thing he keeps repeating is 1 Peter 2:9 saying "show forth the praises" means that you are literally parading some literal, visible characteristic, really every translation (or if you knew old english you'd understand this) the idea here is not "showing" but proclaiming. he has repeated this on every lesson, making this small blemish somewhat redundant.

todays points
1. god is invisible and wants to make himself visible (but some theologians would say it this way: god is unknown and wants to make himself known)

2. love goes out from itself to seek an object. god was manifested in flesh of christ.

3. we are the temple of the holy ghost.
(who doesn't agree with this. the behavior paul was correcting when he used this metaphor was that of adultery, fornication and promiscuity, not sleeve length and make-up).

4. separation is the most basic biblical doctrine in the bible
maybe. we are separated. his grace sets us apart. the mind of christ sets us apart. his law of love sets us apart. there are certainly clear distinctions between those called of christ and those not.

the saga continues
The NT only mentions separation one time in relation to the church. That does not sound like the most basic biblical doctrine of the bible to me.

As far as the OT is concerned, the Israelites were an earthly people who were instructed to utterly slay the inhabitants of the promised land. They were to be physically separate from other nations and did not evangelize. If anyone wanted to receive redemption they had to come to Jerusalem.

In the NT, we are separate spiritually. We are instructed to go into the world, leaving the familiarity of Jerusalem and take the gospel to every creature.

Physical separation for it's own sake is not a basic NT doctrine. We are not to do things "just because". Everything we do or don't do has a specific reason in scripture that goes beyond just "separation". Those that make rules in the name of separation only are dangerous. If scripture does not define what we do or don't do, where does it end?

I would say there are much more basic fundamental doctrines in scripture that precede separation. Love, grace, faith, redemption, to name a few.
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Old 12-12-2009, 08:15 PM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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Re: WPF church back on the offensive?

What is his point? All this is... is a bunch of non-sense! I actually like these guys but they are living in the past and if they think FEAR will work on educated and sensible people today - they are badly mistaken. If they want to keep the people - have good Holy Ghost Church and forget all that dangling people over hell because they don't do everything like you do. NONE of these Apostolic preachers believe alike anyway! NONE of them! Get 10 of them in a room and ask the question - What EXACTLY do you say when you baptize someone? I did it and every single one says something different. All used the Name of Jesus in baptism - but they all did it differently. How is THAT for believing and doing the SAME THING! Try it and see what happens!
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Old 12-12-2009, 09:14 PM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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Re: WPF church back on the offensive?

WHATS THE POINT???? Reverend, Doctor, Bishop - I beg you to tell me - WHAT IS THE POINT??????????? This has all been said millions of times!!!!!!!!!!!! Dr Wilson - you are too smart for all this anyway! You and Miles both know you are smarter than all that! I think you are great but why do you want to deal with all that that you do not even believe! You know good and well - you are smarter than to preach all that and try to make good people swallow it! YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS!!!!
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Old 12-12-2009, 09:46 PM
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Re: WPF church back on the offensive?

Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
WHATS THE POINT???? Reverend, Doctor, Bishop - I beg you to tell me - WHAT IS THE POINT??????????? This has all been said millions of times!!!!!!!!!!!! Dr Wilson - you are too smart for all this anyway! You and Miles both know you are smarter than all that! I think you are great but why do you want to deal with all that that you do not even believe! You know good and well - you are smarter than to preach all that and try to make good people swallow it! YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS!!!!
I'm curious as to why you say they do not believe what they are preaching.
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Old 12-12-2009, 10:19 PM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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Re: WPF church back on the offensive?

Originally Posted by Thinking View Post
I'm curious as to why you say they do not believe what they are preaching.
They are preaching it because they have backed themselves into a corner and feel trapped into preaching something that the people WANT! We ALL know what old line Apostolic people want to hear! The Same old thing over and over and over again. Bishop Wilson and Miles Young are both much smarter than all that but they do it because they don't know what else to do! I have been there - done that - but I escaped! Thank You JESUS!
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Old 12-13-2009, 07:50 AM
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Re: WPF church back on the offensive?

Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
They are preaching it because they have backed themselves into a corner and feel trapped into preaching something that the people WANT! We ALL know what old line Apostolic people want to hear! The Same old thing over and over and over again. Bishop Wilson and Miles Young are both much smarter than all that but they do it because they don't know what else to do! I have been there - done that - but I escaped! Thank You JESUS!
Same thing Bro. Haney did in his farewell sermon at GC. He pandered to the crowd and tickled their ears with his seven locks sermon. He was egregiously seeking amens and applause but was not trying to impart any knowledge or revelation.
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Old 12-13-2009, 08:50 AM
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Re: WPF church back on the offensive?

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Same thing Bro. Haney did in his farewell sermon at GC. He pandered to the crowd and tickled their ears with his seven locks sermon. He was egregiously seeking amens and applause but was not trying to impart any knowledge or revelation.
Respectfully, Sam, but how can you possibly know that to be true? How can you say he was not attempting to impart any knowledge or revelation?
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