Originally Posted by Ev. Duane Williams
More like about 250 lbs of jaw pressure, German Shepherds have about 300 and Rotts 350. Shepherds are actually the #1 biter(found this out after owning 4 over the years with no incidents), but I guess it must be one bite and done, whereas the pit bull likes to hold on and shake its head around. The agression you experienced was due more to the fact that your dad abused his dogs(no other word for it), than the fact they were a certain breed. I think the fact that pits and rotts and other "tough guy" dogs are overrepresented when it comes to attacks is because the typical owner of such breeds is often a thug with something to prove, so he mistreats his animals or outright encourages bad behavior in them.
You are right. He now HATES the fact that he did those things. It stopped the day they bit me. They loved him and me, but the fact that they fought them, just was something that was "drilled" into them... He doesn't do those things anymore (thank the Lord above), but he learned a valuable lesson a little late, as he would straight up tell you.. It took me getting hurt pretty bad for him to realize what he had done...