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Old 09-26-2009, 07:27 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson

Originally Posted by Tina View Post
Sis, Forgive me for adding to your post... but this emoticon is the perfect addition.

Addition gratefully accepted...
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Old 10-16-2009, 11:31 PM
sis_perez sis_perez is offline
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson

Funny that since I have been checking and checking and there were no responses. Now that the fighter (ME) havent been in the ring, the amateurs wanna play.
Who Stopped Warrior from moving to another subject?
If you cant stand and fight till the end then What exactly do you have???
I stood. You fell. So, then what is the Next subject "Coward?"
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Old 10-16-2009, 11:36 PM
sis_perez sis_perez is offline
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson

Many Scriptures were brought but the way they were brought was contridicting other scriptures in the bible. The scriptures must be rightly divided. So Next subject plz. I am waiting............... hum dee dum............
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Old 10-17-2009, 08:58 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson

Originally Posted by sis_perez View Post
1 Month and I am the last one standing. Wrong cant win against right!
Originally Posted by sis_perez View Post
Funny that since I have been checking and checking and there were no responses. Now that the fighter (ME) havent been in the ring, the amateurs wanna play.
Who Stopped Warrior from moving to another subject?
If you cant stand and fight till the end then What exactly do you have???
I stood. You fell. So, then what is the Next subject "Coward?"
Originally Posted by sis_perez View Post
Many Scriptures were brought but the way they were brought was contridicting other scriptures in the bible. The scriptures must be rightly divided. So Next subject plz. I am waiting............... hum dee dum............
Sister Perez... *sigh*

I promised myself I wouldn't post on this thread again, but alas, your posting is like the famous line..."Just when I thought I was OUT, they pull me back in!!"

Sistergirl, sorry to disillusion you, but you are NOT the last one standing. You are just the only one still interested in roaming about the same mountain.

Could it be there have not been any new responses because they have all been given?! When words fall on deaf ears, what is the point in continuing?!

Discussion is conversation, chat, dialogue, exchange...we can't have that with you, hon, because WE are all wrong and YOU are the only one right.

Well, take it from a woman who is almost 58 years old...NONE of us are right 24/7.

NONE of us have it all the answers.

NONE of us can say we are so 'all that and a bag of chips' that we have need of nothing.

Trust that I know whereof I speak. I came to the world of forums some years ago, back on FCF to be exact, with the notion that I was right and most were lost and undone...they had left the Mothership and were headed for the hot place.

I learned first, I was wrong!! Imagine that...!! Second, I learned that a differing opinion didn't equal lost and undone. And third, I learned that because there are REAL people sitting on the other side of the my monitor, I should knock off the condescending attitude.

We can ALL learn from someone else, gaining understanding we didn't have, and in turn, give and receive respect.

Respect goes along way, Sister P...to be blunt, you are condescending in your approach, and frankly, it turns people off...you can disagree without all of that.

In one post, you said to Warrior, I think it was, that you would 'talk' slow so she could understand, and there have been other things that have just not been nice.

And now we are "amateurs."

Not sure if you were referring to me or Tina, who responded to my post, but either way, I can assure you, neither one of us is an amateur.

The Scriptures have been given, but YOU claim they are contradicting other Scriptures...WRONG!!

Rightly divide, yes, but do not EVER assume that one verse contradicts another...can't happen...won't happen!!

Let's just put an end to this...the bottom line:

Learn to disagree without being disagreeable.

Lay your preconceived opinions down, and ask the Lord, "What are you saying to me through your Word?!"

Don't be so quick to dismiss something presented just because it goes against what you have been taught...people are not infallible...teachers and students can get it wrong.

Finally, there ARE other threads of discussion on the forum. Check them out...you might have something worthwhile to add, AND you might learn something in the process.

I'm not sure if this will be received in the spirit in which it is given, but at least I tried, girl...
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Old 11-04-2009, 04:59 PM
warrior warrior is offline
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson

Beautifully said, Barb. I also think that some apostolics are indoctrinated that their particular congregation is the only one with the whole truth. If you are not with them or have THEIR particular revelation then you are hell bound. Sometimes the spirit of the pharisees take over us without even taking note of it. This foolishness is spewed from the pulpit time and time again. Folks can't help but adopt it as their personal philosophy because that is all they hear. I'm right and you are wrong. They are a the "FALSE CHURCH". They are not saved. We have the highest thing in the land. They need to come to us. We won't be going to them. The list just goes on.

Meanwhile the people are being puffed up with false pride. They can't communicate with others who are serving God cause they want to put them in hell first.

The apostolic church is an interesting place to be.
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Old 03-13-2010, 12:24 PM
Lawest Lawest is offline
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson

Originally Posted by warrior View Post
I don't understand what the problem is if the are teaching the exact same thing Bishop Johnson did.

I know for a fact the Holy Temple teaches the same thing Bishop Johnson taught in spite of what Martha uses as an excuse. You have been programmed to believe this. Honey, God is able to help you.

These are all excuses not to pursue a pastor. These are all excues to declare everyone is wrong except for you and yours. These are all excuses!!!! God has never been that small that he would have a dead man preaching to an entire world, and only a small elite few get to hear the truth. Just think about the logic in that. God would that none perish and he would put the responsibility on a dead man to preach salvation to the millions of the world. That is why there is one body but many members to that one body.

Surely a God that can perform so many miracles can give someone other than a dead man the truth. Why do you put limits on God?

God is able to help you.
I agree completely with your post, I know that Bishop S.C. Johnson was a true great man of God, But when many get to them point of saying that God has not ordained anyone else beside him, And they continue to play his tapes as a means to draw others into the body of Christ.........then that becomes the kind of worship that the Word warns us against, Worshiping the creature more than the creator.

Our late Apostle Bishop L. Hunter taught us through the Word that God has never left himself without a witness, And that the glorious light of the gospel will shine more and more unto the perfect day, And we all know (or at least we should) that that cannot happen through a man whom God has put to sleep.

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Old 03-13-2010, 03:26 PM
Lawest Lawest is offline
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson

Originally Posted by warrior View Post
Everyone here seems to be well educated in the UPCI. I was wondering has anyone heard of Bishop SC Johnson and his apostolic teachings. He is considered one the main pioneers among apostolics in the African American community. If you know about him and his teachings, please share what you know. I am sure Bro. Sam knows about this gentleman. We have discussed him before.

Yes, he is well versed in apostolic history.
Praise the Lord Warrior, As i am new to this forum and it is now 69 pages strong.........I am pretty certain the the discussion of who Bishop S.C. Johnson was is in full bloom by now.

But just to put my two cents in........to me Bishop SCJ was a man that God used to re-establish much of the original Apostles doctrine that had gradually been lost over the many centuries after the last of the former Apostles died out, And now that he has passed off the seen, God raised another man up to further the gospel by the name of Bishop Lenist Hunter, And after his death in 1991......Gode is still continuing his work through the mouth of successor Bishop Joe C. Tisdale as the glorious light of the gospel of Christ continues to shine more and more unto that perfect day of his returning.

Peace Be.
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Old 03-13-2010, 03:45 PM
Lawest Lawest is offline
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson

Originally Posted by warrior View Post
Brother Strange, how could Johnson who had so much truth be filled with so much error. His one God doctrine is certainly on the money, but he was in error about so many other things. i.e. No son of God in heaven, marriage, apostolic standard of dress and many other issues. Please answer that question.

Personally, I feel like his hard heart didn't allow him to love all mankind. He was only conditioned to love those who were like him. That is problematic, because you can't get into heaven not loving your fellow man.
I'm sure that Brother Strange has already answered you warrior, But I have a question of You.......how was he in error on the subject of marriage? and there is scripture to show that there is no son of God in heaven right NOW.
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Old 08-01-2011, 07:33 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson

Originally Posted by Brother Strange View Post
I did not know him personally but I've been to his church. I know his teachings. Though stout oneness, he believed if you were saved that you had to hear the gospel from his mouth.

Had other weird ideas too such as his ideas on marriage.
I am "under" Bishop S. C. Johnson. What weird ideas of marriage? I know his stand on it.

Hello Warrior. I see you still have your qualms about Bishop Johnson. *chuckles*

"Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind." ~ Romans 14:5 KJV
For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains. ~ Deuteronomy 32:22 KJV

Last edited by BelievesJesus; 08-01-2011 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 08-01-2011, 07:38 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson

Originally Posted by BelievesJesus View Post
I am "under" Bishop S. C. Johnson. What weird ideas of marriage? I know his stand on it.
Hasn't Bishop S C Johnson passed away?
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