Re: Nullification, Secession & Interposition
An excellent analysis and thought provoking.
We, as a nation are at this point in our history. we have two choices to make for our children and grand children,
1.) We can believe the lies that the fed can do whatever they want and nothing we can do about it and in fact it is the will of the Lord for it is but a "sign of the time"
2.) We can fire those that would want us to believe the fed has the authority to do whatsoever they want, and fire those that insist it is the will of the Lord at it is but a "sign of the time". From the teachers in our schoools to the preachers in the pulpits, many are all being used by the enemy of this nation and the enemy of the furtherance of the Kingdom of God by insisting on the inevitablity of the destruction of these States United. Stop listening to the "America defeaters". God is not finished with us as a nation, are we finished with Him as a nation?
If so, He will find another...I promise.