Yep... simple supply and demand.
The dollar has been the trading medium for oil and several countries have threatened to or have gone ahead and stopped using the dollar. We have gone to war with some and threatened to go to war with others.
But we can't go to war with everybody so the rest of the block has gotten together and decided to take us down.
It is simple supply and demand.
The dollar stays higher because there is a great demand for it.(although it is worth less than 4 cents compared to when the NOT Federal NOT a Reserve took over)
This is largely because the dollar is used to buy oil around the world. People have to convert their currencies to dollars to buy oil.
When they stop buying oil with the dollar then the global demand for the American dollar will plummet through the basement and the value of the dollar (which is already a horror story) will crash to little more than the paper it is printed on.
It is hard to show up at a grocery store with enough paper to trade for a bag of groceries.
Ron Paul.
All the 3rd party nay sayers remember. You had a chance to stop this but the major media outlets didn't give the proper permission.
The 2 party circus kept everybody arguing between which party they wanted to drive us into destruction rather than choosing someone who would really change things.
And... yes... I remember. Ron Paul ran as a Republican (largely because what he stood for is what the Republican party used to stand for) but he was too "3rd party" in his ideas. He is the only politician who has the insight to have made an attempt to turn this thing around. All other politicians would have continued down the same road to destruction.