My fiance and I discuss everything. I highly value her opinion. In the end though, she always tells me it is my decision to make. I am smart enough to know that I am an idiot if I do not take her opinion very very seriously though. LOL.
I will probably get blasted for this, but here goes...
I don't call the shots at my house, we discuss things and make a decision together.
A proper understanding of Ephesians is mutual submission, just back up one verse and you will see that. The command to wives seems to be saying that the women there had a problem with submission but the context is one of mutual submission.
"Well, how would you like it if women were constantly harping on what men should or shouldn't do? Do you think we have that right?"
I would love it. Personally I get sick of men and women both never getting their feet held to the fire over what is expected of them. As much as I strongly feel wopmen should follow the standards, I feel men should follow them too. I also think men need to quit pretending to be teenagers well into their 30's and start acting like men.
You have no idea how hard I am on men. I think Apostolic men are in many cases a disgrace to the title "man" by the way they behave and refuse to be gentlemen, give honro to the women in their lives, work steady jobs to provide and be fathers instead of spending all their time playing video games or sports with friends.
If men would be the godly men they are supposed to be, then I think women would have a far easier time respecting and "submitting" to their husbands as well as following their wishes when it comes to standards.
Great post.
I have more to say, but perhaps later.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
I will probably get blasted for this, but here goes...
I don't call the shots at my house, we discuss things and make a decision together.
A proper understanding of Ephesians is mutual submission, just back up one verse and you will see that. The command to wives seems to be saying that the women there had a problem with submission but the context is one of mutual submission.
Actually I applaud you for this. I agree, I don't battle my wife regarding the concept of submission, it is as you say mutual, what I battle is the leadership of the church competing with me for my family.
In every single context I have heard in the UPC for a man to take leadership of his home, it is with condescension, admonition, and correction that he is not the priest of his home if he does not line up with the pulpit. This is true in many and even most cases, and when a man subjects himself to this statement, it is intended to be LOCK, STOCK and Smoking LOT, no discussion, no debate. A man cannot be a man and the leader of his home if he is second in charge under something or someone that has inserted himself just under the position of God being the head of man/husband.
Actually I applaud you for this. I agree, I don't battle my wife regarding the concept of submission, it is as you say mutual, what I battle is the leadership of the church competing with me for my family.
In every single context I have heard in the UPC for a man to take leadership of his home, it is with condescension, admonition, and correction that he is not the priest of his home if he does not line up with the pulpit. This is true in many and even most cases, and when a man subjects himself to this statement, it is intended to be LOCK, STOCK and Smoking LOT, no discussion, no debate. A man cannot be a man and the leader of his home if he is second in charge under something or someone that has inserted himself just under the position of God being the head of man/husband.
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
"You will be hated for my sake-Just remember that it should be for MY sake and not YOURS-
Do NOT act in such a way as to be offensive, and then blame it on me"
I will probably get blasted for this, but here goes...
I don't call the shots at my house, we discuss things and make a decision together.
A proper understanding of Ephesians is mutual submission, just back up one verse and you will see that. The command to wives seems to be saying that the women there had a problem with submission but the context is one of mutual submission.
The book Love & Respect by Eggerichs has some really good things to say about this. Good post, Baron
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
"You will be hated for my sake-Just remember that it should be for MY sake and not YOURS-
Do NOT act in such a way as to be offensive, and then blame it on me"
Actually I applaud you for this. I agree, I don't battle my wife regarding the concept of submission, it is as you say mutual, what I battle is the leadership of the church competing with me for my family.
In every single context I have heard in the UPC for a man to take leadership of his home, it is with condescension, admonition, and correction that he is not the priest of his home if he does not line up with the pulpit. This is true in many and even most cases, and when a man subjects himself to this statement, it is intended to be LOCK, STOCK and Smoking LOT, no discussion, no debate. A man cannot be a man and the leader of his home if he is second in charge under something or someone that has inserted himself just under the position of God being the head of man/husband.
That really is sad. I don't get why some pastors are like that.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
Actually I applaud you for this. I agree, I don't battle my wife regarding the concept of submission, it is as you say mutual, what I battle is the leadership of the church competing with me for my family.
In every single context I have heard in the UPC for a man to take leadership of his home, it is with condescension, admonition, and correction that he is not the priest of his home if he does not line up with the pulpit. This is true in many and even most cases, and when a man subjects himself to this statement, it is intended to be LOCK, STOCK and Smoking LOT, no discussion, no debate. A man cannot be a man and the leader of his home if he is second in charge under something or someone that has inserted himself just under the position of God being the head of man/husband.
I know and understand this all too well. Been there, done that.
Actually I applaud you for this. I agree, I don't battle my wife regarding the concept of submission, it is as you say mutual, what I battle is the leadership of the church competing with me for my family.
In every single context I have heard in the UPC for a man to take leadership of his home, it is with condescension, admonition, and correction that he is not the priest of his home if he does not line up with the pulpit. This is true in many and even most cases, and when a man subjects himself to this statement, it is intended to be LOCK, STOCK and Smoking LOT, no discussion, no debate. A man cannot be a man and the leader of his home if he is second in charge under something or someone that has inserted himself just under the position of God being the head of man/husband.
On a similar note I was effectively "raised" by the pastor during my teen years. Raised in the sense that my folks rules were my pastors rules. It was always "Make sure you get pastor so-and-so's permission!" or "Did you get pastor so-and-so's permission?" or "What does pastor so-and-so say about that?".
When I turned 19 I virtually stopped going and probably attended a hundred services between the ages of 19 and 30.
I STILL do not do the three-times-a-week routine because I never got that bad taste out of my mouth.