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Old 02-16-2007, 09:24 AM
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Thank God it is Friday!!!
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Old 02-16-2007, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Good Morning Ladies and RonB! I too have a praise report...all my paper work is ready to go out today to the Health Professions Board of Texas. The last legal document I needed came in the mail yesterday! Finally...all the ducks in a row. It will go out in the morning's mail. Finally a little peace in the midst of the storm.

Thank-you ladies and RonB for all your prayers.

Blessings, Rhoni

Congrats, Sis. Rhoni!!!

May the Lord Jesus give you more peace in your storm,

in Jesus Name!!


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Old 02-17-2007, 08:12 AM
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Good morning, Gabbies,

I can't believe I am the first one on here and it's already 10 in the morning! Where are you all at?????

Rhoni, thanks for sharing your blessing with us. God is certainly wonderful, isn't He!

We had the most wonderful day yesterday. Got to testify to what God has done for us in front of almost 500 EMT's and Fire people. Life Flight gives out a very special award each year called the Dr. Frank Foss Award. It is given to any rescue unit who has had an outstanding rescue during the course of that year that involved Life Flight. Walt's aneurism, of course, qualified!!

Life Flight called us and asked if we would come to the ceremony and present the award to Swanton Rescue personally. What a huge honor for Walt!! When we got there, the director asked if Walt and I would tell everyone what transpired that day. Walt started out telling what he remembers, which is not much. Then he turned it over to me. I got to tell about the events that happened. And then I also shared with them how the surgical waiting room was filled to over-flowing that night with people praying; and how our church called everyone and had them come to the church to pray that night during surgery; and how when I was finally able to get home, I got on the internet and asked for prayer from everyone in my prayer list as well as from this forum. And that I sent out daily updates and requests for prayers throughout. And how GOD ANSWERED PRAYERS!!!! When I said that, the people burst out in applause!!! What a privilege to be able to give that kind of testimony. I am humbled and thankful. And you all were a big part of it. THANK YOU!!!!
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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Old 02-17-2007, 08:26 AM
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It's me again. I didn't want the other post to go on and on and on, so I decided to start a new one.

I want to tell you the REAL highlight of my day yesterday........................

About 28 years ago, I babysat for a family. When I started for them, they had 2 boys. And then they added twins to the family. A boy and a girl. In fact, I watched the 2 boys the night that the twins were born

These were the most awesome kids you've ever known. But they had the worst parents anyone could have. The Mom would come home from work, wave at the kids as she walked by and go straight up to her bedroom where she would lock herself in for the night. She wanted nothing to do with the kids. The dad came home and opened a beer and would finish off at least a case every night. Then he would sleep on the floor in the living room with the kids. He was loving and affectionate with the kids. And never, ever mean. But he was a drunk, plain and simple.

So when the twins were about 4, the mom decided she'd had enough of being a mother and she left. Moved out. And didn't even want visitation. She went to my Mom before she left and told her that she really believed that the dad was sexually abusing the little girl. She couldn't handle the "competition" so she was leaving. My mom begged her to take Katie with her. She told her that if she truly believed that he was doing things to her, she couldn't leave her there!!! But the mom just moved on anyway.

Well, nobody knew (or believed) that anything was happening because to all outward appearances, he was "father of the year".

So fast forward to when Katie is in her early 20's and gets married. She tells her husband what's gone on in her past and he insists that she get counseling and that they press charges. Meantime, the dad has gotten saved. He truly is a changed person. But even in his repentance, he's never told anyone about what he did to Katie. Then they press charges. He immediately admits what he's done. He cries big tears of repentance and remorse. And pleads guilty, saying that if this will bring Katie to a place where she kind peace, it's what he wants to do. But he's never apologized to Katie.

And Katie cuts off all contact with anyone from her past. Including me.

I understand why she's done that. I'm sure that in her mind, she can't understand why I didn't see what was going on and protect her from it. I WISH I could have! You will never know how much I wish I had.

So I haven't seen or heard from Katie in almost 10 years now. But yesterday at the conference, I was introduced to a man and through the conversation, found out he is Katie's father-in-law. He immediately called her at work and I got to talk to her for about 1/2 hour. WHAT A THRILL!!! It's like finding my lost baby!!!!!!!! We're going to be getting together soon (I HOPE. She has my #, so it's up to her now to make the first move). PRAY that I can be a help to her.

But what a joy to finally hear her voice again!!!!!!!

i know this is very long. for taking the time to read through it all.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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Old 02-17-2007, 10:23 AM
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Good morning everyone. It's been pretty busy here... and as usual it will be again today. Seems like there's never enough time on Saturday's to get done all that needs to be done.

Hubby just asked me if I was ready to tear the office apart and put down the new carpet in here... I better take advantage of the offer while he's willing to help. So I'm offline till the office is put back together..
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Old 02-17-2007, 11:54 PM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Hi everyone!

I'm really just checking in to see if anyone has heard from AG the past few days? AG called a day or so ago (I'm losing track of time!) and she was in great distress. Her mother was in the hospital and is having great trouble breathing...they want her to go on life support, but at the time was refusing it. AG and her father's prayer is that her mother will go on life support.

I plan to call her tomorrow, but if anyone has heard from her, please let me know.

On a bit of a lighter note, we have spent the last several days finishing up our family room, moving out furniture, tearing out carpeting and pad, painting, tearing out a closet and patching wall/celing, having carpet installed, moving furniture back and lastly cleaning up in time for an open house tomorrow! Whew! Get this, the newspaper was supposed to run an ad for us for free today announcing our open house and they didn't do it again!!!!! I was this morning! We have done all we can do, now we lay it in the hands of Jesus.

Love you all!
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Old 02-18-2007, 08:44 AM
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Just checking in - my husband made a remarkable recovery ( thank you for praying and Thank God for answered prays)and we are having a great time on our weekend trip. We are visiting family, along with having a relaxing weekend away from home. I am so glad that AG mom is doing better. We serve a great God. Well, I will check in with you all when I get home.
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Old 02-18-2007, 09:04 AM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Originally Posted by Blubayou View Post
Just checking in - my husband made a remarkable recovery ( thank you for praying and Thank God for answered prays)and we are having a great time on our weekend trip. We are visiting family, along with having a relaxing weekend away from home. I am so glad that AG mom is doing better. We serve a great God. Well, I will check in with you all when I get home.
So glad your husband is better!
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Old 02-18-2007, 10:45 AM
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Reading back through this thread, I just realized how many prayers God has answered in the past few days!!!

What a joy to serve such a gracious Master...
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Old 02-18-2007, 11:14 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Originally Posted by CareyM View Post
Hi everyone!

I'm really just checking in to see if anyone has heard from AG the past few days? AG called a day or so ago (I'm losing track of time!) and she was in great distress. Her mother was in the hospital and is having great trouble breathing...they want her to go on life support, but at the time was refusing it. AG and her father's prayer is that her mother will go on life support.

I plan to call her tomorrow, but if anyone has heard from her, please let me know.

On a bit of a lighter note, we have spent the last several days finishing up our family room, moving out furniture, tearing out carpeting and pad, painting, tearing out a closet and patching wall/celing, having carpet installed, moving furniture back and lastly cleaning up in time for an open house tomorrow! Whew! Get this, the newspaper was supposed to run an ad for us for free today announcing our open house and they didn't do it again!!!!! I was this morning! We have done all we can do, now we lay it in the hands of Jesus.

Love you all!

Hey girl I am sorry I didnt call you back my phone has been ringing non stop. Mom is doing a lot better. They didnt have to put her on life support. Basically they od'd her on muscle relaxer she was allergic to and it shut down everything. She is being moved out of CCU today and will be in a regular room. I am going to have to do a quick run to tyler to see if I can find something. I f eel like she is well enough now that I can leave ... She told me herself that she wanted me to go. So I will call you tonight or t omorrow as soon as I get a chance.

Thank you so much for the prayers and I will explain more when we talk on the phone!

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