The 60s generation has come to power one more time. Under Clinton we saw a government led by former war protesting, anti-establishment types. They wasted no time to make cuts in military spending, building walls that hampered intelligence gathering, undermining the armed forces by interjecting social experiments like gays in the military. We witnessed the first attack on the World Trade Center, terrorist attacks on the Khobar Towers, our embassies in Africa, the USS Cole, all the while our playboy president was enjoying some "free love" in the Oval Office. Osama Bin Laden was offered to him on a silver platter by the Sudanese, but he turned them down b/c we didn't have "legal" leverage to do so. We had OBL in the crosshairs on another occasion, and the peace loving, Age of Aquarius, pot smoking, Woodstock loving bunch didn't have the guts to pull the trigger. We lobbed a few bottle rockets at them when it was politically convenient, but we basically allowed Al Qaeda get away with murder.
Then the Bush Adninistration comes to power. Within 8 months the worst attack on our nation by a foreign enemy takes place. We bolster our military, we strengthen our intelligence services, we stop playing games and the greatest military in the world defeats Hussein in Iraq, we serve notice to North Korea and Iran that we aren't pushovers, we defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan, we capture some of the worst terrorists in the world, we gain valuable info from them that helps us thwart several attempts to kill hundreds perhaps thousands of more innocent Americans. Eight years go by without a single major attack from Al Qaeda.
Now another 60s generation administration. With ties to some of the most radical 60s anti American groups during that era, it comes as no surprise that we see an immediate threat to the continuity, morale and effectiveness of our intelligence services. The CIA represents to the liberals of the 60s the worst of American ideals, they are the epitome of all that is evil and sinister. The Obama Admin has already cut several military contracts, scaling back cutting edge weapons technologies. Now they want to prosecute CIA agents who interrogated the likes of Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the 9/11 mastermind, for "torture".Not withstanding that the info gathered from such methods proved valuable to avert disaster and that less than half a dozen ppl were "water boarded", the Obama Admin is moving forward to investigate CIA agents and to disbar the lawyers who advised the Bush Admin that these tactics were legal.
Can we survive the 60s generation in power? Let's hope so. How long before our enemies get away with another major attack on Americans while we play silly immature 60s political games with our military and CIA?