There was very quickly a version on the web with different initials for Lavender. If this is an original. it is a problem If it is a fake, it is still a problem. We have witnesses that support info on this document and we have none for the Daily Koz version. Poor Obama still needs to hide the one he has because of the problems it creates.Did someone say Hillary had to truck down to Kenya today?
Big birthday party down there for the ONE tomorrow.
It may be a forgery by Obama? His other one was a Real and forged copy.
It may be difficult to prove it is forged wih out releasing the ones he claims exist and he is hiding.
“Someone forged a birth document concerning the President of the United States. He may have forged it, or someone else may have forged it. The American people have a right to a thorough and impartial investigation of this matter.
“I am releasing [Tuesday] my request to the FBI and AG to open a criminal investigation of his document. It is now apparently a federal court record. Therefore, federal criminal jurisdiction indisputably exists.
“If it turns out that someone forged the KBC to obstruct justice, then that person should be criminally prosecuted. There is no place for forgery or lies on either side of the Obama birth controversy. I have consistently rejected lies as an appropriate response to Barack Obama’s own stream of distortions and fabrications.
“We need a special prosecutor, or independent counsel, who is free of entanglements with the Obama administration. Special persecutor? What if it was Obama hisself?
It is speculated that the Kenyan model was helpfull for entering Occidental College.
It may be a forgery by Obama? His other one was a Real and forged copy.
It may be difficult to prove it is forged wih out releasing the ones he claims exist and he is hiding.
“Someone forged a birth document concerning the President of the United States. He may have forged it, or someone else may have forged it. The American people have a right to a thorough and impartial investigation of this matter.
“I am releasing [Tuesday] my request to the FBI and AG to open a criminal investigation of his document. It is now apparently a federal court record. Therefore, federal criminal jurisdiction indisputably exists.
“If it turns out that someone forged the KBC to obstruct justice, then that person should be criminally prosecuted. There is no place for forgery or lies on either side of the Obama birth controversy. I have consistently rejected lies as an appropriate response to Barack Obama’s own stream of distortions and fabrications.
“We need a special prosecutor, or independent counsel, who is free of entanglements with the Obama administration.
[B]Special persecutor? What if it was Obama hisself?
It is speculated that the Kenyan model was helpfull for entering Occidental College.
So now you are saying that Obama might have forged a Kenyan birth certificate? hahahahaha.
I would be curious as to how long ago Hillary Clinton was scheduled in advance to go to Kenya. Seems curious she went to Kenya at about the time this new birth cetificate shows up.
I like Barak Obama a little bit less than I like sever debilitating back pain.... something Ive lived with most of the last 12 years or so.
having said that, i dont think it is a really valuable argument. The supreme court has spoken (with a unified voice) Barak Obama's claim to Amerian Citizenship in line with the constitutional requirement to be president cannot be challenged.
end of story.
I wish deep down in my soul that someone could prove that Barak Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reed, Nancy Pelozi, Catherine Sabilius and a whole host of insane Neo-Facist/Quasi-Communists would be found to be citizens of France or some other non-entity but they wont be.
Sadly they are part of our American Famly. Much like every family has a drunk uncle or some such. the problem is that this American Family has decided to let "that side" of the family run things.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I like Barak Obama a little bit less than I like sever debilitating back pain.... something Ive lived with most of the last 12 years or so.
having said that, i dont think it is a really valuable argument. The supreme court has spoken (with a unified voice) Barak Obama's claim to Amerian Citizenship in line with the constitutional requirement to be president cannot be challenged.
end of story.
I wish deep down in my soul that someone could prove that Barak Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reed, Nancy Pelozi, Catherine Sabilius and a whole host of insane Neo-Facist/Quasi-Communists would be found to be citizens of France or some other non-entity but they wont be.
Sadly they are part of our American Famly. Much like every family has a drunk uncle or some such. the problem is that this American Family has decided to let "that side" of the family run things.
This Dr Taitz was in Tel Aviv yesterday. She actually did challenge the case of a reservist i believe that his induction was unconstitutional by reason of an un authenticated Office holder. she won the case.
I agree the actual cert. is not the core problem. It is a symptom.
Kinda like pain radiating to the legs is a symptom of pressure on a disc. Obama shows he is obstructinist and dishonest. This is a test and he is flunking.
True, this is probably nonsense.....but, the birth certificate fiasco indicates something is just not right.
And the powers that be will make sure we never find the truth.
The only one that can make do what they don't want to do is God. He knows how to put the pressure on, or expose hidden agendas.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.