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Deep Waters 'Deep Calleth Unto Deep ' -The place to go for Ministry discussions. Please keep it civil. Remember to discuss the issues, not each other.

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Old 04-16-2007, 05:33 AM

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I think our church is pretty much an even balance of all three. . . .I personally wouldn't want just one of the scenarios ALL THE TIME and agree that it does depend on the move of God and His will. I need the quiet, somber, deep one-on-one conversation with God, just as much as I need loud rejoicing for all He has done for me. My church is great and I LOVE IT!
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Old 04-16-2007, 09:38 AM
ILuvFPC ILuvFPC is offline
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I would have to say a mix of #1 & #2.. Def not #3.... I would have to agree that I would think of a church as being dead or close to it if they were never any crying, weeping, shouting, dancing, shows of emotion, etc etc...

There is lots of dancing, shouting, aisle-running (esp during preaching), weeping, crying, and manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit at our church.
Everyone in the church is not real intellectual so intellectual sermons would leave alot of people out.. people need to hear something "where they are living"
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Old 04-16-2007, 10:25 AM

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Our church is neither 1, 2, nor 3.

It's a house church, and there are no "altar calls" in the traditional sense, neither is any one particular member "directing" everything (thus, the personality of one member never dominates the congregation.)

There has been weeping, crying, shouting, laughing, deep studies and teaching, admonitions, warnings, rejoicing, you name it.

Since the church is not "run" by one particular person, the church does not take on the personality of any one particular person, but reflects everybody present, since the people who gather ARE the church, period.
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Old 04-16-2007, 10:40 AM
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Ours is balanced and I like it that way. Traditional messages brought in a new way, traditional lyrics wrapped in a new way, the only problem is we have a screaming monkey that nobody knows what to do with!!!!

A praying/fasting church that reaches beyond it's 4 walls would describe us best...we reach more for the lost than pacify the saved. It's about souls right?

God said, "come out from among them" then, "Go get them in all the world', pretty easy formula eh?


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Old 04-16-2007, 02:38 PM
Whole Hearted Whole Hearted is offline
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Our church is a mixture of the first and second. We do a lot of shouting during the worship service and during the preaching and a lot of weeping and praying in the altar service.
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