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View Poll Results: How do you pray before eating?
I mumble a quick thank you as I am lifting the first bite to my face 3 13.04%
I pause for a second, close my eyes and say a quick "thank you" 17 73.91%
I lower my face, hold my hands together and pray for a minute 9 39.13%
I pray outloud for the food and other special prayer requests and keeping my eyes tightly shut 2 8.70%
Everyone at the table holds hands, as I praying out loud for all the restaurant to see and hear 3 13.04%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 23. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-16-2009, 07:29 PM
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Re: How do you pray before a meal?

We hold hands, use a quiet voice, much the same as at home. I do, however, always remove my hat.
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Old 02-16-2009, 08:17 PM
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Re: How do you pray before a meal?

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
We always hold hands when we're praying at home. In a restaurant, we just bow our heads and pray out loud. (But not loudly for show) We've occasionally held hands, but if it's more than family, only if they volunteer. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable--but I do like the feeling of unity.

I don't think we should pray for show, however, I am not going to whisper in public. I'm talking to God. Not everyone else. If they happen to be in the vicinity, and don't appreciate it, I can't help that--I'm thankful to live in a country where we have the freedom to worship, even in public. I intend to exercise that freedom and teach our children to be unembarrassed to show God due reverence in any environment.

I have been at tables where heartfelt prayers were going forth and looked up to see waitresses with tear-filled eyes. We need to be careful about being too PC with our prayers. God may have a plan.

Daniel comes to my mind, on the topic of public, unabashed prayer.
very good points thanks sis
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Old 02-16-2009, 10:12 PM
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Re: How do you pray before a meal?

I prefer the 'Get up and run around the table, ladies let your magic hair down, speak in tongues, shake someone violently to give them the Holy Ghost" prayer before a meal....
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