Why do you feel the need to answer a question with a question? I've done my research, and naming all the different views and types of law doesn't answer the question. Here are a few variations of Biblical laws also.
The 10 Commandments | Relationship to God | Relationship to Other Persons | Law and Justice | Marriage and Divorce | Family Law and Relationships | Animal Regulations | Government and Civil Officers | Feasts and Observances | Capital Law and Offenses | Foreign Relations | Etiquette and Moral Issues | Labor and Work | Food and Health Laws | General Welfare | Economic and Monetary Laws | Personal and Character Traits | Laws Regarding Property | Judgment and Execution of Law | Churches and Ministers | Servants, Employees, Etc. | Warfare and Military Laws |. Your rant on the subject of law is a simple diversion. That’s okay though. I do not wish to debate you on that matter either. For me...it's not up for debate. I know where I stand. The subject of law seems to be central in your walk with God though. Just an observation.
Let me clear something up. When I spoke of "law." What I really meant was, man made standards. Standards on top of salvation. Standards that were set in place by common misconceptions on a litteral translation of certain scripture. Basically, we believe in
Acts 2:38 as the plan of salvation. Someone at sometime said: On top of that. Women have to wear skirts, not cut their hair, no makeup and so on and so on...... Whoever that was made it kind of like a law. They made it essential to your salvation. You know as well as I do, that if you pick up one law...you have to take the rest. We can't pick and choose yet we are all guilty of that. I’m just stating a few interpretations. And the Bible is open for that. We must also "seek out our own salvation."
When was the last time you saw a Christian greet another Christian w/a holy kiss? But it's right there in the Bible. I can show you verses in Cor and Thes and in one of Peter's letters that say we should greet each other w/a holy kiss.
Or how about women having to wear head coverings?
Or cursing people who don't love the Lord?
Or selling all your possessions and giving all to the poor?
Or men raising their hands when they pray?
Or slaves having to obey their masters?
These are all commands that appear in the Bible. And yet they are rarely followed. This is because someone somewhere made a decision about those texts; someone decided that Christians didn't have to greet one another with a kiss or wear head coverings or curse people who don't love the Lord.
All of these have been interpreted by someone, whether it was a denomination or a Pastor. Somewhere-somebody engaged in the difficult work of interpretation. Somebody in our history decided certain verses still apply and others do not. What Paul and or Peter gave as a commandment, standard or law to one group of people. Does not mean it was meant for us. Some of those things were for people with certain customs already set in place. This truth about interpreting the Bible extends all the way to the simple reading of it in English. If we don't read the Bible in its original Greek or Hebrew or Aramaic, then we are reading someone's interpretation of the Bible. Just the work of translating requires the translator to make decisions about what the Bible say's. Certain English words do not have an exact Greek or Hebrew or Aramaic equivalent, leaving the translator with a challenge of how to best represent the text using English words. Interpretation demands an intricate balance of conviction and humility.
Here is a quote from you: No, most don't need to be told how to live every week and they already know. They want someone who teaches and confirms what they believe. Because everyone understands forgiveness doesn't mean it doesn't need to be taught and confirmed and conviction brought forth. End Quote.
Those people want someone who teaches and confirms what they believe. If they don't get that, they leave. plain and simple. It's almost like itching ears. If they don't hear Baptism in Jesus Name or
Acts 2:38 or standards at least once a month. Out the door they go. Slamming our Church to their new friends at their new place of worship.
What a person is really saying is "As long as you teach MY version of the Bible, I'll have no problem with you." And the more people insist that they are interpreting the Bible the right and only way, the more skeptical I get. It is possible to make the Bible say whatever we want it to, isn't it? How is it that the Bible can be so many different things to so many different people? It's possible to believe all the right doctrines and not live as Jesus teaches us to live.
Truth always leads to more...truth. Because truth is insight into God and God is infinite and he has no boundaries or edges. So truth always has layers and depth and texture.
Maybe God is looking for people who don't just sit there and mindlessly accept whatever comes their way.
I feel that you put too much of your walk in laws. For me...I'll put it in his "Amazing Grace."
As for your post concerning the one stepper issue and how you assume what you think I believe. I’ll get to that later. After that, I think this issue on my personal beliefs and who’s right or wrong should end. You have been very good about judging me on that subject. But I guess that’s okay. You claim its “righteous judgment.” And that makes it Biblical.