Originally Posted by drummerboy_dave
Sorry about the lack of details right now, but I'm on my way out. Quickly, my church wants to start running a computer operated projector during church for announcements, songs, scriptures, and teaching. What are some musts? Are wireless projectors good? Our PC is about 80 feet from where the projector will be. I've heard of eworship. Is that good? What do you guys use? You may have told me already, but please refresh my memory. 
Eworship is excellent. There's a Bible mod that you can use to follow the preacher along with providing texts on screen rather quickly.
One thing to avoid is the 100 foot spans of VGA cables that some folks think are necessary. They're not. I see too many displays in churches and in businesses that have the gamma green tint to them. That's caused by an overheating VGA cable.
Wireless is good if you get the best equipment but you need to test it in your site. Some churches have cell phone towers on the premises or nearby. I've had experience with that causing interference issues.
The projector is basically just another networked device and should be Ethernet compatible.