Originally Posted by freeatlast
There is the problem right there....commitment is lacking today.
We have not had a choir for over 10 years.
As a worship leader i do not miss it.
We have used praise singers for 10 years or so. Praise singers encourage all the congregation to sing instead of just those in the choir singing.
We find distance to the church being a big problem today.
I am 30 minutes away. My trumpet and flute 45 miles away.
My drummer just moved to OK. ;-(
Some of my praise singers are over 30 miles from church.
We do our practice prior to church and monthly have a practice immediatly after church.
I myuch prefer vertical worship songs rather than the over repeated verses of most choir songs.
As for "specials", I call them NCP's (non congregation participation)
One person sings while 100 sit and listen. We do a few "specials" 6 to 12 a year.
The problem with the praise and worship team concept.
The music ministers have not coped "Hillsong" successfully.
Every week there are new songs that in the middle of the worship song a solo is being sung.
This allows for the praise and worship singers to have their ministry.
I want to sing songs that help enter the congregation into a spirit of praise.
To prepare us for the word of God to be preached.
Many of the songs today and the concept of the worship service is to fix the problems of the folks in the pew.
Give me 5 songs 4 of which we know well and helps lead us into a spirit of worship.
When it comes to choir's and it done correctly.
The corporate voices and powerful solo's can be a moving experience.
However if the choir is not practiced then don't sing.