Re: Do you find the Bible confusing?
Pehaps a definition is in order:
confuse |kənˈfyoōz|; verb [ trans. ]
cause (someone) to become bewildered or perplexed : past and present blurred together, confusing her still further.
• make (something) more complex or less easy to understand : the points made by the authors confuse rather than clarify the issue.
• identify wrongly; mistake : a lot of people confuse a stroke with a heart attack | purchasers might confuse the two products.
confusingly adverb
ORIGIN Middle English (in the sense [rout, bring to ruin] ): from Old French confus, from Latin confusus, past participle of confundere ‘mingle together’ (see confound ). Originally all senses of the verb were passive, and therefore appeared only as the past participle confused; the active voice occurred rarely until the 19th cent. when it began to replace confound.
confusing; adjective
the instructions are confusing bewildering, baffling, unclear, perplexing, puzzling, mystifying, disconcerting; ambiguous, misleading, inconsistent, contradictory; unaccountable, inexplicable, impenetrable, unfathomable; complex, complicated.
For me, when it comes to the Bible, in addition to clairity and understanding, from time to time I also suffer from most (if not all) of the above symptoms. Guess this is why I stay confused so much of the time. LOLOL.
Kidding aside, I am truly impressed with those who do not seem to suffer my problems in understanding the Bible. I have to dig for almost everything - perhaps thatisbecause I see a depth to the word that invites a "stretching" of both the mind and heart, and that keeps me off-balance - it instill a conficence that I have not yet fully comprehended the fullness of what the word is designed to convey in its instruction to mankind.
Herein lies the reason for my frequent statement that, "I truly wish I understood everything I think I know about the sord of God."
A point of clarification: When I confess a lack of knowledge or understanding, i.e. a degree of confusion concerning someting in the Bible, that does not equate to a confusion, uncertainty, doubt, or distrust of God, Himself, or of His love and compasion, or His justice/judgments. There is a vast differeence in being"confused" concerning things about God, and being confused about a relationship with God.
There are things about my wife that frequently confuses me, but I am not in confusion concerning our relationship.
However, I think I have worked this subject beyond its threshold of endurance.
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.