True to some degree. I was in the Army and we'd often go out and have a good time. I remember those days. We were close. I often reflect on those times and feel that I was much happier back then. In both church's I've attended friendships aren't all that deep or close. They expect you to "perform" with dress codes, attendance, tithing, singing, etc.... but after a while you give all you can give and collapse. Your dreams never materialize in spite of everyone patting you on the back about a "calling" that God has on your life. Buth there's always a reason why you're not ready yet. Then you just say, "Forget it. I'll just show up and sit on a pew with everyone else and forget this insanity." After a while that gets old too. Same ol' same ol' church stuff day in day out. Sermons about the clothes line, why we're not measuring up enough to have revival, sermons illustrating that "If we just..." this or, "If we just that...". Then you snap to and do it...and next week it's a different reason. It all becomes the illusive dream for the day that never comes.
My point... I've discovered that church isn't what we think it is either. In all honesty, in many ways I was happier back when I'd go out with trusted friends and have a few drinks.
I hear ya!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty