Originally Posted by StMark
I've kept out of this discussion up until this very moment.
The music director that's being drug through the mud is one of the most talented professional musicians in Pentecost. Music directors have always been an easy target. I think there's a lot of hidden jealousy here which is the root of much of this discusion.
I've played for artist and groups before and I never wavered from my beliefs or my roots. Just because this young man has been given the opportunity to play for an artist does not mean he's going off the deep end. You need to get off of him. I think he's been unfairly mischaracterized and assulted for no valid reason.
Other Oneness people have been apart of productions and musicals, concerts,etc outside our church settings and have not been attacked like this.
What if this is an outreach effort to the community? What's wrong with making your church more visual in your city? We've done many of these events in my community and there has NEVER been a problem.
I wish this person the very best in all of their endeavors!
I think you all are making a big deal out of nothing!
My friend, you've missed the point. Jealousy is out of the question. No one has shown jealousy nor has anyone attacked the music director. If so, explain to me how BV was mischaracterized as you put it. It seems you are attempting to side step the real issue and purposely mixing up 2 conflicting topics.
If TRC band was just playing for their church choir at a community function, no one would be having this discussion. End of story. If this was Anthony Mangun's band playing for a non-Apostolic, the WPF group would be having a field day on him and you know it!
Mark, you are my friend, but we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. You refused to deal with the real issue. I'm attempting to guess it's because of your friendships and relations to other musicians and what they go through amongst the Apostolic ranks