Originally Posted by Mike Williamson
Bro, there was NO "other" shooter...there was THE shooter. Of course we look differently at the shooter than we do the person who most likely accidentally ran this guy off the road...
You seem to be having a real problem differentiating between the seriousness of a traffic accident and an intentional shooting.
Had the guy been driving drunk and ran the idiot shooter off the road, it still wouldn't warrant shooting him...
I understand his anger...what I don't understand is your seeming justification of his irrational response to that anger.
Yes, locking him up will bring justice...Most definitely.
yeah I know, I mis typed-- I was thinking "shooter" and "other guy" when I wrote that.
I do not justify the shooter's actions.
I do state that if he is caught, the punishment that would be carried out by the courts (speculation) against this guy would not address the entire situation.
So it wouldn't be "fair", in the strictest sense of the word.
We want to lock this guy up for a long time, fine him a large amount of money when he was simply "reactive" in a bad situation.
There is a man in Texas who is "scot free" for shooting and killing someone who was breaking into his neighbors home. The burglar was leaving the property, the neighbors were not home, the emergency dispatchers told the guy to not shoot the burglar but he did it anyway-- killing the guy who was not even a threat to him.
His actions were praised.
The courts did not punish him at all.
Here you have a good man who was provoked, could have been severely injured or killed, he responds and because of Mississippi law, he could get some serious time in the slammer.
While the man who provoked the whole episode walks away "scot free".
If his actions were inadvertent, then why didn't he stop to make sure that his victim was alright?
Because he did not care.
He didn't call the cops or emergency personnel because he did not care.
He did what he did and we would have never heard about any of this, if his victim did not decide to shoot the idiot that didn't care about his actions that could have severely injured or killed an innocent man.
The idiot would have kept driving, as if nothing is wrong, only to cut someone off again, cause another accident and injure someone else.
"Justice", in the truest sense would not be served if the shooter in this case was tried in our court system.