Jesse Woodrow came to our church on a recent Sunday morning to bring a family
that he had won to the Lord. He told some of the things that are in this exclusive
interview from THE APOSTOLIC REPORT. I was very impressed with his testimony
and sweet, humble spirit. He definitely has a burden for the lost. Those who were
never priviledged to be raised on an Apostolic Pentecostal pew.
The reason I am posting this here is that we may not agree on Bro. Baxter's view
of prophesy but Jesse Woodrow was first drawn by videos on prophecy. Then he was
given the "Salvation" teaching videos and this is what influenced J.Woodrow to go
hear and meet Bro. Baxter. Listen to his testimony. He will possibly be able to tell the
story of his conversion to people we would never come in contact with.
Hundreds have gone to hear Bro. Baxter's prophecy teachings, but came in
contact with apostolic truth concerning conversion. I know some of them.
When the spirit of truth is come, He will lead and guide them into ALL truth,
to those with a teachable spirit. Jesus told some people if they followed on
to know the Lord, then they would be His disciples INDEED!
Saul of Tarsus had been there, done that and was able to relate from being a perse-
cutor of the early church. He consented to their imprisonments, deaths, etc. But when
the scales fell off his eyes, he was a radical preacher of the gospel. He was not ashamed
of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for he said, "it is the power of God unto salvation unto
everyone that believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek". He was bold because
he had experienced both sides. Of being against Christ and then being for Christ in a
powerful way. He was a chosen vessel of God. Chosen of God and precious!
I was raised in church all my life and have had the Holy Ghost 50 yrs. I can reach
people Jesse Woodrow could not reach but he can reach those I could never reach.
He said that Sun. morning, "God will give you a platform if you will use it for Him".
I believe that!