Originally Posted by StMark
Psychologist Dr. David Weeks mentions people with a mental illness "suffer" from their behavior while healthy eccentrics are quite happy. He even states eccentrics are less prone to mental illness than everyone else. According to studies, there are fifteen distinctive characteristics that differentiate a healthy eccentric person from a regular person or someone who has a mental illness (although some may not always apply). The first five are in most people regarded as eccentric:
Nonconforming attitude
Intense curiosity
Happy obsession with a hobby or hobbies
Known very early in his or her childhood they were different from others
Highly intelligent
Opinionated and outspoken
Unusual living or eating habits
Not interested in the opinions or company of others
Mischievous sense of humor
Eldest or only child
Bad speller
Although admitting to a few of these seems somewhat bragadocious I consider myself an eccentric of sorts.
Although... from this list above...
I am not single, do not consider myself to have a mischievous sense of humor and am not a bad speller.
But... interestingly enough... being married... my better half DOES have a mischievous sense of humor and is not known for seeking out spelling bees to show off her spelling talents.
So... I guess we are an eccentric couple maybe.