The Divine Romance -- Thank you Rhoni and mfblume
WOW! I first heard of this book from Rhoni and Mike Blume on the "Hair today..." thread. I got a copy through the library (took a few weeks to get it) and started reading immediately.
I found it VERY HARD to put down. I was blown away at how well-written this book was. The book describes the absolute oneness of our God so beautifully - and it was written by a TRINI! Unbelievable! Who else has read this book, and why have I never heard of it in 24 years of being part of the bride?
I realize that Gene Edwards is at the fringe of mainstream churchianity - with some pretty dogmatic, "out there" ideas about the "only right way" to setup a house church, but I gotta tell you... this book is the stuff. It may be the best novel I've ever read.
Something beautiful that I had never considered before was how Adam was caused to sleep and God pierced his side to remove Adam's counterpart that was always inside of him, but hidden. In the same way, after Jesus' death (sleep), his side was pierced and the blood and water flowed. And from the deep inside of God Himself, He brought out His bride, His counterpart that was inside of Him, but hidden until the time was right. How beautiful is that?!
When those angels were soaring through time and eternity to bring all principalities and dominions, walls of separation, laws, ordinances, rituals, satan and death to the cross to be crucified in Jesus, I wanted to burst out in spontaneous shouts of praise! I'm absolutely blown away! I'm thinking of buying a case of these books and giving one to every family in my congregation.
Instead of studying to make sure what we believe is supported by Scripture, we MUST study the Scripture to see what IT TEACHES... then BELIEVE THAT!
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2.15 KJV