Originally Posted by mizpeh
Rejoice, Nahum, Bro Hubert and Holiness Woman are bringing us back to the good ole days! 
I tell you all , I long for the OldPaths, when people were WholeHearted,
I long for the StraightLine, When we heard from Old Time Preacher.
When we had Agape and and my son Caston Smith.
There was time when you could learn how to Skin a Coon right here.
When people were SteadFast and woulld preach IAintMovin kind of sermons.
I recall men posting WithOutWrathOrDoubting
There was a funny ladd namded Thad who did abound with the rumors of the day.
There used to be a group called the possee who would ride in on white horses and smack the liberal new comers up side the head.
I remember reading and learning from these men back when I only lurked here.
Us true holiness folks seem to be a dieing breed as more moderate and progressive thinkers seem to abound today.
As an old (and somewhat heavey) holiness women I am affered things are a changing around here and in the world in which we live.
Just the thoughs of a old woman. Bless you all, as you all have blessed me.