Originally Posted by StMark
I've taken a lot of hits for starting this thread and most of it's okay ( minus the personal attacks).
Lisa and I are friends. As I stated, she knows me and knows I had no Ill will. I told her I needed to get a good thread going, something Facinating and she gave me a good thread starter. It was intentional to get a fire going.
Lisa, Do I ever miss FCF! The people were cool for the most part and knew how to have a blast. I know you remember the good ole days too.
most of these people here are a bunch of prudes 
yep...we are friends.

I claim ya.
You asked if anything was going on in IN.... nope pretty much same ol same ol... however, I knew you would find it interesting about my singing in the Nazarene church. lol
I understood you wanted to use it as an attention getter... I didn't think much would come of it though... the forum has changed and so many different people... not sure that people even know who I am anymore... Your thread managed to get me here two days in a row... mission accomplished. lol
You are all right StMark... I like you and your attention getting threads.... you missed your calling... you should be an investigating reporter.

although you do make an awesome music director.
I miss the old days too.... we did have fun.