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Old 11-10-2008, 06:16 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
If she's a little bitter, frankly, I can understand. Why should she go quietly into the night when McCain's people are bashing her like a piñata?

McCain has been disgraceful for letting her twist in the wind for a whole week now while his aides and close associates savage her in the media, with their leaks and off-the record interviews. I've lost a lot of respect for him these past few days.

When someone savages your reputation, the way McCain's associates have been doing to her, it shouldn't surprise anyone that Palin would come out swinging. If McCain is showing no interest in coming to her defense in even the slightest way, she has to take matters into her own hands.
So you approve of her taking the low road like she did, calling them 'immature jerks' before she even knew who it was that said it? I dunno, that's something my sixth grader would do. She should have thought about what she was going to say before she said it and come up with a more elegant response, imo. If she wants to be President she needs to act Presidential.

She's speaking at the Republican Govenor's meeting this week. We'll she how she does. But, you only get one chance to make a good first impression...just ask Dan Quayle. Seems to me that she ought to be a Senator for awhile and then run again when she's more seasoned and knows how to play the game.

Hey, I'm willing to give her another chance. But I'm with the 60% of those polled nationally that think she's unqualified at this point to be VP or POTUS.
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:42 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post
So you approve of her taking the low road like she did, calling them 'immature jerks' before she even knew who it was that said it? I dunno, that's something my sixth grader would do. She should have thought about what she was going to say before she said it and come up with a more elegant response, imo. If she wants to be President she needs to act Presidential.

She's speaking at the Republican Govenor's meeting this week. We'll she how she does. But, you only get one chance to make a good first impression...just ask Dan Quayle. Seems to me that she ought to be a Senator for awhile and then run again when she's more seasoned and knows how to play the game.

Hey, I'm willing to give her another chance. But I'm with the 60% of those polled nationally that think she's unqualified at this point to be VP or POTUS.
Good grief. I didn't say I approved of how she's handled this... not even close, so please don't put words in my mouth. I said that I think her response is understandable. (If a person keeps getting punched in the head, pretty soon they're probably going to start punching back. That shouldnt surprise anyone.)

My meaning is pretty clear in that post, so I dont really see the need to restate what I said. Maybe you should just read it for what it says, instead of reading things into it that it didn't say.

Meanwhile, your obsession with incessntly bashing Sarah Palin is something I find a little bewildering. Please, just let it go.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

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Old 11-10-2008, 10:19 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

??? Obsession? Please! Am I the only one commenting on this thread? I don't think so. You'll have to show me where I've "bashed" her. That's ridiculous, I've done no such thing. I've only commented on my impression of her, I've not 'bashed' her. Please, stop the ad hominem attacks, they're sooooo predicable and tiring and unproductive.

I read your post carefully and it certainly appeared to me (and still does) that you feel she's justified and reacting as she has and that she is reacting appropriately. Thanks for the clarification though.

That notwithstanding, I am very interested in the Palin story, that much is true. I'm fascinated by what she could represent for the conservative agenda as much as I am fascinated by what Obama could possibly represent for American politics and racial reconciliation in America. It's so cool that there are fascinating stories unfolding at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Part of my interest in Palin is because of her Pentecostal heritage, part of it because she's a possible future conservative candidate for POTUS and I really want to support her (believe it or not). I just haven't been convinced yet and I have specific reasons for my opinions. If that's 'bashing' then so be it. Perhaps I balance all the Obama bashing that goes on in the other threads.
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich
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Old 11-10-2008, 10:44 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post
??? Obsession? Please! Am I the only one commenting on this thread? I don't think so. You'll have to show me where I've "bashed" her. That's ridiculous, I've done no such thing. I've only commented on my impression of her, I've not 'bashed' her. Please, stop the ad hominem attacks, they're sooooo predicable and tiring.

I read your post carefully and it certainly appeared to me (and still does) that you feel she's justified and reacting as she has and that she is reacting appropriately. Thanks for the clarification.
It's not ad hominem attacks, sir. It's simply a matter of commenting based on personal observation. No, you're not the only one on this thread commenting, but your tone toward Palin has been more negative than most here. I call it bashing, whatever you choose to call it. And not just on this thread, but overall in this Election Selection part of AFF. Even after the election when your side won, you just seem to never miss an opportunity to kick dirt on Palin's grave. Like I said, just let it go.

And you ask me to show you where you've bashed her? Please. Why waste my time? Whatever I show you, you'll just come up with some excuse to justify your words anyway. I think you're too engrossed in this to even notice what kind of vibe you're projecting anyway. (Reminds me of an old joke about how the guy who smells funny is the last one to notice, even though it's obvious to someone sitting beside him)

You say you just commented on your impressions of her ? Well, I've done the same. I commented on my impressions of your posts.
And I'm entitled to my opinions as you are to yours. Call it what you will, but to me, your anti-Palin negativity has seemed excessive and somewhat obsessive to me.

So... we'll just have to agree to disagree as to whether it's "bashing" or whatever you prefer to call it.

Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

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Old 11-10-2008, 10:59 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
It's not ad hominem attacks, sir. It's simply a matter of commenting based on personal observation. No, you're not the only one on this thread commenting, but your tone toward Palin has been more negative than most here. I call it bashing, whatever you choose to call it. And not just on this thread, but overall in this Election Selection part of AFF. Even after the election when your side won, you just seem to never miss an opportunity to kick dirt on Palin's grave. Like I said, just let it go.

And you ask me to show you where you've bashed her? Please. Why waste my time? Whatever I show you, you'll just come up with some excuse to justify your words anyway. I think you're too engrossed in this to even notice what kind of vibe you're projecting anyway. (Reminds me of an old joke about how the guy who smells funny is the last one to notice, even though it's obvious to someone sitting beside him)

You say you just commented on your impressions of her ? Well, I've done the same. I commented on my impressions of your posts.
And I'm entitled to my opinions as you are to yours. Call it what you will, but to me, your anti-Palin negativity has seemed excessive and somewhat obsessive to me.

So... we'll just have to agree to disagree as to whether it's "bashing" or whatever you prefer to call it.

In the words of my old hero Ronald Reagan, 'There he goes again..." Dude, you're getting all sanctimonious again. You're making assumptions again...and you of all people should know what happens when you assume.

My side did not win. You assume that I'm a Dem and that I voted for O. I am not, I did not. I am a conservative that just so happens to disagree with you (again). Just because I don't have a "NoObama 08' tag on the bottom of my posts and I express genuine concerns about a person who may be the future conservative candidate (possibly my candidate) doesn't mean I'm whatever the heck you said I am.

It was an ad hominem attack. Instead of engaging the subtance you attacked me. That's the definition of an ad hominem attack and it seems to be the tactic of choice of you and your friends when someone disagrees with you, whether on this thread or elsewhere. And worse, it too often passes for reasonable behavior, especially around here. But that's another discussion.

If you would follow your own advise and actually read posts before you react against them you would see that in my last post I expressed hopeful optimism about Palin's political future.

You need to take a chill pill and buy some bigger underwear. Relax, it's only politics. Stop taking it and yourself so seriously.
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich
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Old 11-11-2008, 01:14 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post
In the words of my old hero Ronald Reagan, 'There he goes again..." Dude, you're getting all sanctimonious again. You're making assumptions again...and you of all people should know what happens when you assume.

My side did not win. You assume that I'm a Dem and that I voted for O. I am not, I did not. I am a conservative that just so happens to disagree with you (again). Just because I don't have a "NoObama 08' tag on the bottom of my posts and I express genuine concerns about a person who may be the future conservative candidate (possibly my candidate) doesn't mean I'm whatever the heck you said I am.

It was an ad hominem attack. Instead of engaging the subtance you attacked me. That's the definition of an ad hominem attack and it seems to be the tactic of choice of you and your friends when someone disagrees with you, whether on this thread or elsewhere. And worse, it too often passes for reasonable behavior, especially around here. But that's another discussion.

If you would follow your own advise and actually read posts before you react against them you would see that in my last post I expressed hopeful optimism about Palin's political future.

You need to take a chill pill and buy some bigger underwear. Relax, it's only politics. Stop taking it and yourself so seriously.
I didnt think you're a Dem,and I understand you didnt vote for O. (You said that on this forum.) My comment about 'your side' winning simply had to do with the fact that you seemed to be were clearly not a Mccain/Palin fan, not necessarily that you were a Democrat. But anyway...

I actually think you're the one taking this all too seriously, since you feel the need to defend yourself so vigorously. If my accusation of you as being someone who bashed Palin has no merit, and you already explained yourself, why not just let it go?

But anyway, I really have no more desire to fuss over this, so I'll just let the issue die as it is.

Sorry for any offense caused, brother. Meanwhile, I'll just move along.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

I'm T France, and I approved this message.
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Old 11-11-2008, 09:29 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
I didnt think you're a Dem,and I understand you didnt vote for O. (You said that on this forum.) My comment about 'your side' winning simply had to do with the fact that you seemed to be were clearly not a Mccain/Palin fan, not necessarily that you were a Democrat. But anyway...

I actually think you're the one taking this all too seriously, since you feel the need to defend yourself so vigorously. If my accusation of you as being someone who bashed Palin has no merit, and you already explained yourself, why not just let it go?

But anyway, I really have no more desire to fuss over this, so I'll just let the issue die as it is.

Sorry for any offense caused, brother. Meanwhile, I'll just move along.

Sigh....you're a piece of work my friend. How in the world can you say that 'your side winning' could mean anything but that I'm a Dem or a Dem supporter? I dunno, maybe I speak a diff language than you.

Do us all a favor, brother, please stop flaming people and then act all sanctimonious when we defend ourselves from your unfair characterizations.
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich
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Old 11-11-2008, 09:56 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Since I'm clearly such a wack job and afflicted with Obsessive Compulsive Palin Disorder (OCPD. It's a real disease, Rhoni PM'd me and said so) I did watch the Greta Van Sust-however you spell her name on FOX. Aside from the whole thing being a puff piece, at least so far, I feel a little more justified in some of my observations before based on what SP said. Maybe I'm wrong, unlike some, I've been wrong before.

I posited the other day that she must have done something to alienate these people and make them angry from the start and it caused them to view her negatively and this pov of theirs drove them to interpret things and say what they did. This level of negativity toward someone in such a short amout of time doesnt' just come out of nowhere...something precipitated a souring of such depth and viciousness. These things usually can be traced back to pride. She admitted last night that the first few days were rough because she didn't trust the McCain people and she confessed that she had no idea how things were done on that level so she resisted their attempts to help her. She said that after awhile it started to dawn on her that there was some 'really smart' people on the campaign and that she began to like and trust them. There all sorts of inferences that can be drawn from her pov and why she would approach things from that pov. But, it seems to lend some credence to my idea that she came in there and alienated these people, stepped on their egos, and caused the fracture in the relationship that were only exacerbated by the pressure of the campaign grind. When talked about this she kept looking down and breaking eye contact with Greta which tells me alot too. When people ask her things that make her uncomfortable she tends to look down and break eye contact w/people. She did the same thing when Greta asked her about her ambitions for 2012.

I thought it was very interesting that she didn't bring any of her own people to the campaign. Instead 'her' campaign people were actually McCain people that were given to her when she arrived. That's fascinating.

Idk, I enjoyed the interview and found it informative and helpful. But I still get the distinct impression that she thinks alot of herself...too much so. In some respects she really connected personally, especially when she was in the kitchen talking freely. She's very likable and McCain's folks should have let her show that side of her more during the campaign. But in alot of ways if felt like a Rolling Stones magazine interview with a seriously narcissitic rock star who was taking pains to appear humble and 'regular'. It was a little strange to see her made up like a magazine model cooking food in the kitchen. I was thinking "Are you Ivana Trump or Rachel Ray?". I'm still not sure.
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich
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