Re: This is what Obama supports
No, no, no. Lets take all of the regulations off of these factories. Most of those regulations are forcing up the prices of fossil fuel and everything else. Lets get back to pumping pollution into the atmosphere. Lets bring back smog and acid rain. Things were so much better when you couldn't see the LA skyline. It was much better when the Ohio River actually caught on fire from all the spilled oils and fuel in the water. Bring back the greenhouses gases that science has proven time and time again is destroying our ozone layer. Whats a few more rads of the suns radiation? Good for our tans. I say release all the carcinegens you can into the air we breathe.... we got too many people as it is. Build more Love Canals! Why do landfills charge now? Because of those stupid rules to protect enviorment. Get rid of them. Let me dump what I want, where I want. Its my Constitional Right to destroy this land I say I love.
The fact is folks, we ain't doin' it. "Because there has always been energy in my time, there will always be energy." -That is classic American thinking. I haven't changed my liight bulbs.... have you? Still drivin' that gas guzzler. Do you leave the light on when you leave a room. Why do you think they want to drill more oil wells? Is it to find some, or a desperate need to find some?
Abortion is awful. A national disgrace. But, wanna know something? If we don't stop using oil like theres no end to it, our children and/or grandchildren won't have any! There is NOT an endless supply of energy on this planet. Find alternative fuels. Yes... but wheres the money comin from? We should have done that in the 70's when we had the chance. Just could be to late too start saving some energy for following generations.
And no, I don't support Sen. Obama and Al Gore ain't my gruru. I don't hug trees, and am not a member of a socialist party. But I do care about this land I claim to love. Adam was sent to dress (tend to) the garden. Whats our duty to our land? Preserve it or destroy it? Pumping greenhouses into our fragile atmoshere ain't cuttin' it. Drinking gas like its flowing straight from the Throne in Heaven for all of eternity, ain't cuttin' it. Speakin' of cuttin it, cutting every oxygen producing tree in site ain't cuttin' it either.
So... while we rightfully speak against the sin of abortion, let us bear in mind the children, the infants of future generations, we are saving when we turn a light off when we leave a room. Or regulate a factory thats pumping out tons of pollutants a year.
There... my moderate, middle of the road, contrubution to the political discussioin.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7
Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.