Originally Posted by jimmyrrs
I have read the story several times but may be over looking what I'm seeking.
Does the bible say if his brothers ever told Israel the truth about what they had done?
I have read Gen 45 and know what Joseph told them to tell his father but that's all I can find.
Any help please?
Read chapter 50, beginning with verse 15 on to the end. I personally
believe God was teaching them the fear of the LORD. They knew God had
found them out. God knew and Joseph knew and they knew the evil they
had done to their brother. Through HIS goodness and mercy he worked a
work in them. And like Jesus, Joseph loved his brethren and was ready to
forgive them. Joseph knew what they had intended for evil, God meant for
good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. And
like Jesus, The Gentle Shepherd, He took care of them. I love the story of
the life of Joseph as it is a type of the life of Christ.
I personally do not think Jacob (Israel) knew for sure.
Hopefully that helped a little!