Dear Friends in the Homeland:
Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." and
Genesis 50:20 Joseph speaking to his brothers - "As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil. He brought me to the high position I have today so I could save the lives of many people."
Many years ago when Pastor Jose and Sister Rosa decided to move to the forgotten backlands of Bahia no one thought it feasible. Until a witness came from Sister Agnes Holmes and then and only then did we really believe God was calling this couple to go into the far interior of a devil worshipping state.
This week we attended the regional Bahia convention…I wept until my eyes were swollen to see so many blood washed saints worshipping the Lord.
The beginning years they were sorely tested and did without even some of the bare necessities of life but we all know that Faith that is not tested is worthless. They stood the test and today their works speak for them.
While in Bahia Pastor Edimilson took us to a little church they are building by faith in yet another interior area. we rode 40 miles in a heavy duty truck over deep ruts in that dry and thirsty desert…we were covered with red dust…no one seemed to mind we were having the time of our life. But we saw the little building that is now ready to roof.
This has been a month of many great victories. We also had our regional ladies conference here in Maceio (northeast Brazil) and it turned out one of our best and we ended up baptizing 4 at a ladies conference! There was such unity and love. Our ladies were beautiful in their new purple dresses..a queenly color for such Godly ladies. Sister Marcela led the choir while people received renewal, healings and gifts…Awesome is the best way to describe what happened.
A whole new church joined their efforts with us this month also here in the state of Alagoas.
In southern Brazil Brother Raul Jr had the yearly minister’s seminar and call after call came to us telling it was the most spiritual event they have ever had with an overflow crowd.
Brother Arlei has baptized new people up in the jungle region and a group of them surprised him by renting a truck from the jungle village and shoeing up at the headquarters church the other Sunday bringing new people to repent of their sins!
At this writing Pastor Hugo is in Paraguay and far south Brazil and he reports victories.
Last Sat. night our young people had a pizza party and we had over 100 young people present and 4 new young people that came to the party were in service Sunday and repented of their sins.
Brother Marcelo, one of my secretaries that helps me in the translating department was rushed to the hospital bleeding through the bowels so bad that the hospital kept him there and tried to run tests but declared he had a tumor and they could not even get the hose down into his stomach…You talking about worried I was very concerned because he has 2 small children and a wonderful wife. Since he did not have insurance they sent him home and we kept knocking on doors trying to find a doctor to help him…
I sent out some e mails and called some to pray for him…by this time 2 weeks had passed. Thursday, Sister Janet was able to get him in the hospital where she works. the doctor was amazed that something had happened! He did have the X rays from the other hospital confirming he was very sick and needed surgery. However this doctor examined him and told the family all was well!
Oh glory we know what happened. Jesus did it again! Just as prayer changed things many times in the bible and up to now prayer once again made a difference.
I wept for joy when Sister Janet called me to tell me all was well for we were traveling on our way back from a regional convention in the backlands.
Last year a brother from Bahia was suffering with a serious back problem after prayer he testified that he believed God healed him…I didn’t say anything but wondered how we would find him this year. Sure enough he was healed and never suffered a day after he felt the healing touch.
We don’t always understand the workings of God and why one gets healed and another suffers but we cannot deny He is a God that has all power and works in the favor of His children.
Faith In The Face Of Fire has brought great revival to Brazil and a greater determination to go into the entire world.
Some of you know that my laptop was dropped and broke into several pieces however God is helping me get another one though His people. Thanks to anyone/s that are helping on this.
Thanks to all for your letters of support, your calls and e mails. We love the Brazilian people. This reality also makes me deeply aware of our need for your partnership with us in this calling. We thank you for your support; we are by no means doing this alone, and for that we are truly grateful!
The Alvear´s
P.O. Box 797
Jonesille, La. 71434