Re: I Was Touched and Frightened
Originally Posted by 1Corinth2v4
Yesterday while at service something brushed up against my arms twice. The first occurrence happened while I was praying with my eyes shut. The second occurrence happened while my eyes were open, and in both instances nobody was near me. It felt as if they rubbed a finger across my arm.
After service I went to Wendy's and ordered a number 2 (yum yum). I went home, ate, laid down on my bed and opened my bible to 1Timothy. I became very sleepy and laid my head on my arms, and here's what frightened me.
I awoke to hear my bible's pages move! I looked at my bible and I saw as the pages were turned to the book of Acts. I then looked down and saw red lettering text (Jesus words) and began to read them. It was as if God was speaking directly to me. I then Knelt down to pray and something rubbed against me again.
Anyone ever experience anything like this?
p.s. please don't ask about the scriptures
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb
When I was young and clever, I wanted to change the world. Now that I am older and wiser, I strive to change myself. ~