Originally Posted by cneasttx
If he is elected I wonder what else he is going to change his mind on? When he finds out how hard it is to deal with the Congress and the Senate. And then there is the rest of the world to deal with.
HIs new answer did NOT change his mind. He gave the same response, which is a non response. He just reworded it to be more acceptable. Where is the change in his answer? Explain how the two answers differ? They don't. He just reworded it, nothing more. The answer it is above my "pay grade" is flippant, and he knows it, so he comes back just saying "I just do not know" making it a little more acceptable, but the answer is the same. He is dogging the answer as he does not want anyone to critize him. If he says life begins before birth he will have to admit abortion is murder. To say it is after birth justifies abortion. He just is playing a political game not trying to get any group upset so he can get the most votes. An empty suit indeed.