Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecostal"
"Palin said that during her run that creationism should be taught aside evolution in schools. She was baptized in an Assembly of God church, a Pentecostal denomination that believes God created the world at every step. Maria Comella, a spokeswoman for the McCain-Palin campaign, said Palin attends different churches and does not consider herself Pentecostal."
-Newsweek, August 29, 2008
__________________ "We ask why there so many signs and miracles overseas but not in America. I’ll tell you why. Overseas, they preach to the lost. In America, we preach to the found." -Joel Stockstill
Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos
Originally Posted by soldoutochrist
"Palin said that during her run that creationism should be taught aside evolution in schools. She was baptized in an Assembly of God church, a Pentecostal denomination that believes God created the world at every step. Maria Comella, a spokeswoman for the McCain-Palin campaign, said Palin attends different churches and does not consider herself Pentecostal."
-Newsweek, August 29, 2008
Apostolics don't consider themselves 'Pentecostal' either. I am behind her 100%.
Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos
Originally Posted by soldoutochrist;580881)
Maria Comella, a spokeswoman for the McCain-Palin campaign, said Palin attends different churches and does not consider herself Pentecostal."
-Newsweek, August 29, 2008
Well this being said by a spokeswoman for the campaign rather than by Palin herself, there is always room for political correctness.
However I know lots of Apostolic People who philosophically feel that the term they wish to identify themselves as being is "CHRISTIAN" so that could be what is behind that as well.
In any case, my real question is Has she received the baptism of the Holy Ghost? I was pretty startled years ago to read in the same Charisma magazine that held the anonymous attack on the UPC/Oneness Pentecostals as well as the explodin' pulpit at Richard Heards church article the keynote speech of the new Superintendent of the Assemblies of God where he had startling figures as to the amazingly few members of the Assemblies of God who were receiving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost speakin gin tongues. His chilling words were that "the AoG is in danger of becoming a dinosaur. Pentecostal in our theology but NOT in our experience!" THAT was most eye opening!
Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos
CC1, would not prefer to be called "Pentecostal" either. That does not mean they don't speak in tongues.
I have heard from someone who knows her personally - they say Sarah is Spirit-filled.
__________________ "It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity." Dave Barry 2005
I am a firm believer in the Old Paths
Articles on such subjects as "The New Birth," will be accepted, whether they teach that the new birth takes place before baptism in water and Spirit, or that the new birth consists of baptism of water and Spirit. - THE PENTECOSTAL HERALD Dec. 1945
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves
Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos
Originally Posted by TCSQ
Well this being said by a spokeswoman for the campaign rather than by Palin herself, there is always room for political correctness.
However I know lots of Apostolic People who philosophically feel that the term they wish to identify themselves as being is "CHRISTIAN" so that could be what is behind that as well.
In any case, my real question is Has she received the baptism of the Holy Ghost? I was pretty startled years ago to read in the same Charisma magazine that held the anonymous attack on the UPC/Oneness Pentecostals as well as the explodin' pulpit at Richard Heards church article the keynote speech of the new Superintendent of the Assemblies of God where he had startling figures as to the amazingly few members of the Assemblies of God who were receiving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost speakin gin tongues. His chilling words were that "the AoG is in danger of becoming a dinosaur. Pentecostal in our theology but NOT in our experience!" THAT was most eye opening!
Yes, I remember that.
According to the stats, 25% of their new converts were baptized, and only were 20% filled with the Holy Ghost.
Personally, I hardly consider a denomination like that to be Pentecostal.
"According to AG Assistant General Superintendent Charles Crabtree, last year only 25 percent of new converts followed Christ in water baptism, with only 20 percent receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. "If we continue this trend," Crabtree states, "in 10 years, we will have a very small percentage of Pentecostals in the Assemblies of God." "
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos
Originally Posted by TRFrance
Yes, I remember that.
According to the stats, 25% of their new converts were baptized, and only were 20% filled with the Holy Ghost.
Personally, I hardly consider a denomination like that to be Pentecostal.
"According to AG Assistant General Superintendent Charles Crabtree, last year only 25 percent of new converts followed Christ in water baptism, with only 20 percent receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. "If we continue this trend," Crabtree states, "in 10 years, we will have a very small percentage of Pentecostals in the Assemblies of God." "
Well that opens a whole NEW can of worms or at least a question......
With such a small minority of new converts receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost in the Assemblies of God, is it mandatory for their ministerial candidates to possess the Baptism of the Holy Ghost? I dont see how it could be when Holy Ghost filled members must either now or soon will be such a small percentage of the AoG constituency.
Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos
Originally Posted by TCSQ
Well that opens a whole NEW can of worms or at least a question......
With such a small minority of new converts receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost in the Assemblies of God, is it mandatory for their ministerial candidates to possess the Baptism of the Holy Ghost? I dont see how it could be when Holy Ghost filled members must either now or soon will be such a small percentage of the AoG constituency.
absolutly not. I work with a guy who grew up AOG. He is a great guy and a fine christian. we talk a lot about faith. He now attends a church that has been a non-denominational church with an AOG kind of feel and background.... with very little of the pentecostal experience.
he has shared with me that his pastor has been courted by the AOG to join. He was very happy that part of the effort included clear indication from the AOG leadership that Holy Ghost Baptism was a fading reality in AOG churches.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!