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Old 07-24-2008, 08:46 AM
Dr. Vaughn

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Re: Chester Hensley

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
I am evangelizing and I passed through the Big Easy last week stopped and saw the church and had lunch with Elder Lollar. I went to the Baton Rouge camp Friday night.
Oh I had no idea you were referring to my grandmothers old church.. thats a precious piece of Real Estate to me.... Lollar doesn't like me too much.. we had huge words a few years ago... in the way he treated my grandmother

They had a homecoming some years ago... first time my grandmother had ever returned to the church she built with sweat and tears..... so there we all sit and NOT ONE TIME... NOT ONCE was she ever recognize or acknowedged as the founder of the church.. or even as a human being.... the people still there that loved her dearly had some very harsh words for leadership for the next few months.. so Lollar and I are on bad terms... but I am glad to see that he has kept the work going..
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Old 08-30-2008, 03:22 PM
gloryseeker gloryseeker is offline
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Rev. Chester Hensley

I know there are a lot of current and former UPC'ers out there. Does anyone remember Rev. Chester Hensley from Texas?

I remember him coming to our church when I was a boy 60's/70's and sat in awe of him. I was given some CD's of some of his messages recently and now disagreed with several things he preached.

If you remember, what are your thoughts of him?
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Old 09-01-2008, 11:51 PM
stasis stasis is offline
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Re: Rev. Chester Hensley

I never knew the man personally. But I am very familiar with many in his group who branched off and formed churches in Nederland/Groves Texas after his death.

-'ARC (Apostolic Revival Church)' - name of this church has since changed. Doctrines are charismatic and Branham'esque.
-'World Apostolic Revival': No longer exists, but was pastored by Gary Armagh, husband of Ginger Hensley (one of Chester's daughters). Was charismatic and Branham'esque.
-'Triumph Church': Pastored by Randy Clark. Doctrine = 'Jesus wants you to get rich'. Lots of stage performance, including ballet dancing 'for Jesus' and all kinds of stuff.

I believe there was a controversy between the pastors of ARC and World Apostolic Revival because they both thought they had 'inherited the mantle' from Chester Hensley. Apparently these guys both thought they were comparable to Elisha or something, which shows how self-involved they were.

Most of Hensley's group would talk about him like he was God on earth. All sorts of crazy claims, such as him having power over the weather and the movement of the sun (I'm not kidding), all kind of miraculous stories. Way beyond the line of absurd.

Again, I never knew the man himself, but those who represented him seemed flaky to say the least.
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Old 09-01-2008, 11:58 PM
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Re: Rev. Chester Hensley

Originally Posted by gloryseeker View Post
I know there are a lot of current and former UPC'ers out there. Does anyone remember Rev. Chester Hensley from Texas?

I remember him coming to our church when I was a boy 60's/70's and sat in awe of him. I was given some CD's of some of his messages recently and now disagreed with several things he preached.

If you remember, what are your thoughts of him?
Hey can I have copies of those CDs?

Please PM me and let me know if you could?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 09-02-2008, 12:01 AM
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Re: Rev. Chester Hensley

Originally Posted by stasis View Post
I never knew the man personally. But I am very familiar with many in his group who branched off and formed churches in Nederland/Groves Texas after his death.

-'ARC (Apostolic Revival Church)' - name of this church has since changed. Doctrines are charismatic and Branham'esque.
-'World Apostolic Revival': No longer exists, but was pastored by Gary Armagh, husband of Ginger Hensley (one of Chester's daughters). Was charismatic and Branham'esque.
-'Triumph Church': Pastored by Randy Clark. Doctrine = 'Jesus wants you to get rich'. Lots of stage performance, including ballet dancing 'for Jesus' and all kinds of stuff.

I believe there was a controversy between the pastors of ARC and World Apostolic Revival because they both thought they had 'inherited the mantle' from Chester Hensley. Apparently these guys both thought they were comparable to Elisha or something, which shows how self-involved they were.

Most of Hensley's group would talk about him like he was God on earth. All sorts of crazy claims, such as him having power over the weather and the movement of the sun (I'm not kidding), all kind of miraculous stories. Way beyond the line of absurd.

Again, I never knew the man himself, but those who represented him seemed flaky to say the least.
I know a pastor and his wife who were raised up in C.P. Hensley's church.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 09-02-2008, 12:05 AM
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Re: Rev. Chester Hensley

...I knew him well...I like to remember the good times....
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Old 09-02-2008, 12:47 AM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Re: Rev. Chester Hensley

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I know a pastor and his wife who were raised up in C.P. Hensley's church.
Were they like...dead?

I actually knew a guy who was raised down by a pastor...

Now, everyone stand to your feet!... I am glad they are specific, I am always compelled stand to my hands on first impulse.

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Old 09-02-2008, 01:11 AM
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Re: Rev. Chester Hensley

Isn't he the guy that offered free 8 X 10 glossies of himself if anyone ran around his huge tent?
And when he was out of town, he called his horse every day. He had a ranch hand answer the phone and put it to the horse's ear to talk to it.
George - as in curious
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Old 09-02-2008, 11:11 AM
gloryseeker gloryseeker is offline
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Re: Rev. Chester Hensley

Originally Posted by crazyjoe View Post
...I knew him well...I like to remember the good times....
I too remembered them as good times. I had been in many services as he was close friends with the Pastor of the church my parents took me to. We saw miracles and the gifts in operation to the extent that I have only seen one other person operate in.

I remember that he sang and played the guitar. While I would not call him an accomplished singer, I did always enjoy his music.

It just baffled me when I received these CD's. I listened out of curiosity, but disagreed with a lot of his theology, especially on end time events and the authority structure of the church.

Any way, you are right they were some good ole days.
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Old 09-02-2008, 11:13 AM
gloryseeker gloryseeker is offline
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Re: Rev. Chester Hensley

Originally Posted by stasis View Post
I never knew the man personally. But I am very familiar with many in his group who branched off and formed churches in Nederland/Groves Texas after his death.

-'ARC (Apostolic Revival Church)' - name of this church has since changed. Doctrines are charismatic and Branham'esque.
-'World Apostolic Revival': No longer exists, but was pastored by Gary Armagh, husband of Ginger Hensley (one of Chester's daughters). Was charismatic and Branham'esque.
-'Triumph Church': Pastored by Randy Clark. Doctrine = 'Jesus wants you to get rich'. Lots of stage performance, including ballet dancing 'for Jesus' and all kinds of stuff.

I believe there was a controversy between the pastors of ARC and World Apostolic Revival because they both thought they had 'inherited the mantle' from Chester Hensley. Apparently these guys both thought they were comparable to Elisha or something, which shows how self-involved they were.

Most of Hensley's group would talk about him like he was God on earth. All sorts of crazy claims, such as him having power over the weather and the movement of the sun (I'm not kidding), all kind of miraculous stories. Way beyond the line of absurd.

Again, I never knew the man himself, but those who represented him seemed flaky to say the least.
I know a close friend of my sisters married a man that was one of "his men." I think they started a church as well. I can't remember the guys name she married, but her name was Charlene. The names you mentioned don't ring a bell.
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