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Old 08-23-2008, 10:28 PM
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Re: IS AFF Apostolic?

I keep asking myself why I keep coming back to this forum every day, several times a day...much to my husband's dismay, lol...it isn't just because it's an Apostolic forum, although it makes it very easy to communicate because everyone understands your slang...I come here because I've made friends here. Friends that are helping me greatly right now!

I say that this forum is exactly what you make it. We're all adults (or at least I hope). We all understand we're not going to agree...We all understand that we're not going to like everything someone types...We all SHOULD understand that everything should be done in love and with respect. I don't even think about calling someone else's doctrine into question on this forum. Point being I can only see what you type...not how you live. So, with that being said, yes, I think this forum is Apostolic. Whatever that means...

I just want to add that this board has been a blessing to me over the last 6 months. It has been a place of refuge. I don't come here for doctrinal understanding...I know what I believe and why and I'm firm on it. I don't come here to bash any organizations...I've got better things to do. I came to this board for friendship, understanding and a place to communicate with those of like faith. Allow me to say thank you Admin for providing a great forum that I can participate in!
"Just a sinner saved by grace!"
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Old 08-24-2008, 05:21 AM
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Re: IS AFF Apostolic?

Originally Posted by GraceAmazing View Post
I keep asking myself why I keep coming back to this forum every day, several times a day...much to my husband's dismay, lol...it isn't just because it's an Apostolic forum, although it makes it very easy to communicate because everyone understands your slang...I come here because I've made friends here. Friends that are helping me greatly right now!

I say that this forum is exactly what you make it. We're all adults (or at least I hope). We all understand we're not going to agree...We all understand that we're not going to like everything someone types...We all SHOULD understand that everything should be done in love and with respect. I don't even think about calling someone else's doctrine into question on this forum. Point being I can only see what you type...not how you live. So, with that being said, yes, I think this forum is Apostolic. Whatever that means...

I just want to add that this board has been a blessing to me over the last 6 months. It has been a place of refuge. I don't come here for doctrinal understanding...I know what I believe and why and I'm firm on it. I don't come here to bash any organizations...I've got better things to do. I came to this board for friendship, understanding and a place to communicate with those of like faith. Allow me to say thank you Admin for providing a great forum that I can participate in!
There you have it, once again, folks! This forum is what you make it! It is self-moderated, which means YOU, the AFF member have more control than you realize. You have more control than Admin, because Admin rarely, if you look a the shear number of posts, gets involved. Admin is happy to let you "duke it out" as long as it is within the bounds of decency and respect. That is all we ask for is decency and respect for your fellow poster, especially the ones you vehemently disagree with!

Don't make things personal and don't take things personal. This is JUST a forum. It is like a cork board where you put postings and others can respond. It is NOT real life so, once again, don't take it so seriously. Have some fun, learn something, sharpen your sword, make some friends, love your "enemies" but by all means, remember that this forum's "flavor" is made up of the posters, not the lurkers. So if you want to make a difference, post as well as lurk.

After being both on NFCF and here, I can tell you that the treatment of posters is BETTER than it once was. Tussles break out once in a while, but the "shredding" of posters does not happen like it used to.

"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
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Old 08-24-2008, 05:25 AM
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Re: IS AFF Apostolic?

The christian who insists the internet is better than television. There is enough wholesome programming on television. I have listed 20-30 television stations that are wholesome.

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post

There are secular people who don't allow their children to watch TV or heavily control what their children watch for the same reasons that a Christian does. Who do you condemn the Christian or the secular person? My impression is that you might condemn the Christian and say they are being legalistic and that you might give the secular person a pass without a rebuke whatsoever and maybe even agree with them how TV is a time waster, TV condones bad morals, TV has too much violence, nudity, and bad language, etc etc.

If this girl wasn't taught why she was not to cut her hair and did not cut her hair to please her parents then it is inevitable that one day she will have to be convinced in her own mind whether or not this teaching is scriptural. I'm assuming her parents were doing what they thought was right in the sight of God. How would you approach folks like this to try and show them your understanding of the word of God?
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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Old 08-24-2008, 06:29 AM
Brad Murphy Brad Murphy is offline
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Re: IS AFF Apostolic?

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
This forum grows further away from Apostolic, daily. As one who has been around since the Jim Yohe days, it grows increasingly irrelevant. This used to be a place of give and take discussion, but respect was given, no matter which label you had applied to you.
Now we find posters who will bash men who preach Acts 2:38 and have given their all for the saving of souls, because they deem them legalistic.
Yet, these same posters will not want to question other religious leaders, who do not preach Acts 2:38, because God might just be using them.

Sort of sad, isn't it.
I question ANY man who claims to speak for the supreme being of the universe... just kind of a general rule.
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Old 08-24-2008, 06:41 AM
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Re: IS AFF Apostolic?

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
From time to time the mantra "AFF is no longer Apostolic" ebbs and flows. Some cry and whine that they are leaving because the forum has "changed." Others want Admin to do "something" but "something" has never been defined.

The thing that unites most of the people here on AFF is the oneness of God, Ac. 2:38 and the United Pentecostal Church International. Not all have/had a connection to the UPC, but most rally around the godhead and Ac. 2:38. Those who are here have differing views on Ac. 2:38 but it is the common glue.

There have been and will continue to be those who desire AFF to take a certain "direction" whatever that is. It really depends on your personal viewpoint. AFF is not taking ANY "direction" as it is what its owners & posters are. The owners desire is to provide a place of fellowship to those who wish to connect with those of like precious faith and to discuss issues of the day. This is a discussion forum, not a doctrinal clearing house or a church. The Owners try to take as much of a "hands off" approach as possible, which we believe is the best policy.

Since there are MANY definitions of just what constitutes being Apostolic, it is really in the eye of the beholder. The challenge of any group of people is to stay the course and not waver. So, when the pressures mount and the cries from ANY particular corner blow like the wind, it is our job to stay the course and "steady as she goes." Some are not content with that and would desire to take the wheel and guide the ship "their" direction.

With the diversity we have on the Owner/Admin team, that is not likely to happen. We will continue to provide the space and the place for free discussion without stifling. Remember, this is a SELF MODERATED board. We are NOT playground attendants. We try our best to act on reported posts in a timely fashion, but we encourage ALL to first contact a poster and work out your "beef" with them which is biblical. If that doesn't work, contact us and we will do our best to solve the problem. We're not God and we're not as wise as Solomon, so please respect our best efforts at being impartial.

You're ALL welcome here with your differing viewpoints, Lib, Con or Mod and everything in between. Debate is encouraged, and even sometimes HOT debate. Nothing wrong with that at all. Just do your best to keep it civil and everything will be OK!

So, is AFF Apostolic? I think it is and the rest of our diverse Admin team think so as well. Is it Apostolic according to everyone's definition? I'm sure it isn't but to try to do so would be an attempt in futility. So, we'll just stay the course and continue to provide you a place to congregate and have some fun and hopefully receive ministry when you need it. May you all be blessed above measure and please don't take forum "life" too seriously. Remember, it is only a forum!

Well put and it needs nothing added to it!

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 08-24-2008, 08:44 AM
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Re: IS AFF Apostolic?

Originally Posted by GraceAmazing View Post
I keep asking myself why I keep coming back to this forum every day, several times a day...much to my husband's dismay, lol...it isn't just because it's an Apostolic forum, although it makes it very easy to communicate because everyone understands your slang...I come here because I've made friends here. Friends that are helping me greatly right now!

I say that this forum is exactly what you make it. We're all adults (or at least I hope). We all understand we're not going to agree...We all understand that we're not going to like everything someone types...We all SHOULD understand that everything should be done in love and with respect. I don't even think about calling someone else's doctrine into question on this forum. Point being I can only see what you type...not how you live. So, with that being said, yes, I think this forum is Apostolic. Whatever that means...

I just want to add that this board has been a blessing to me over the last 6 months. It has been a place of refuge. I don't come here for doctrinal understanding...I know what I believe and why and I'm firm on it. I don't come here to bash any organizations...I've got better things to do. I came to this board for friendship, understanding and a place to communicate with those of like faith. Allow me to say thank you Admin for providing a great forum that I can participate in!
Wow, GA, this is a great post! Thanks for bringing things into proper perspective............
"Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
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Old 08-24-2008, 09:14 AM
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Re: IS AFF Apostolic?

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Old 08-24-2008, 10:35 AM
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Re: IS AFF Apostolic?

I know some of you are trying to use semantics to say that the forum itself cannot be Apostolic, since it is just a forum. But as I see it, the name of the forum shows what is supposed to be inside. If I go "Jon's Candy Shop", I should expect to find mostly candy. If I do not, and the majority of product is clothing, I will likely say, "they need to change their sign, as they are not a Candy shop." For many, this is just the way we have come to see AFF. It is not that it is bad. I still come here, just not as much. I am too busy. But when I come, I no longer find the majority of the product being what I would call Apostolic. Of course, the Catholics call themselves Apostolic, so I guess definitions are in the eye's of the beholder.

Maybe this will make a little sense to someone??
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Old 08-24-2008, 10:52 AM
HappyTown HappyTown is offline

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Re: IS AFF Apostolic?

I like the change I've seen here over the last few months. Poster are able to put out their ideals without being attacked or shut down ! I think the Owner/Admin team, do allow opinions of wide ranges here, even more so after a few have stepped down or left to move on to supposedly greener pastures!
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Old 08-24-2008, 05:57 PM
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Re: IS AFF Apostolic?

Originally Posted by HappyTown View Post
I like the change I've seen here over the last few months. Poster are able to put out their ideals without being attacked or shut down ! I think the Owner/Admin team, do allow opinions of wide ranges here, even more so after a few have stepped down or left to move on to supposedly greener pastures!

That is all good. The forum has moved to a less "traditional Apostolic" structure where things that traditional Apostolics hold dear is allowed to be put down as not important. It is just the way it is. I think the owner/admin team is doing a fine job. I do not necessarily agree with the direction, but by my own choice it is no longer my call.
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