I don't know if its still online or not but Larry Booker in opening remarks at the big shindig at The Rock was talking how a police officer in his church arrrested close to 30 sexual predators in one day, just by monitoring activity on the internet. Booker's response to this epidemic was to have more seminars to teach people how to use the internet. Booker was credited with the verbiage that leglists use to save face w/anti-television stance and pro internet stance.
Lies were spread by legalists throughout the television debate... One of the biggest lies was every church who went on television compromised doctrine. No retraction from the legalists when presented with the facts of dozens of churches. Kenneth Phillips and Promiseland comes to mind as one who proves that lie false. Through out Kentucky, and Tenessee there are tv preachers who preach acts 2:38 and even practice a conservative dress code.
Another lie floating around is the television issue would be the first of many other compromises. Again refer to the number of churches who still hold fast to the faith.
The leadership tried to say tv advertising is cost prohibited and ineffective. Statistics proved them wrong.
The biggest lie is the wpf is not an organization but a fellowship. If is walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a duck, chances are it isn't a chicken.
Why anyone would want to follow leadership based on faulty unscriptural pretense is beyond my comprehension.
I just read a saying in my son's school planner which says if you can't convince them, confuse them. WPF leaders are sending mixed signals and the only ones following are the ones who don't ask questions. They are just looking to stay with the herd.
Originally Posted by Consapostolic1
Do you have enough info about each member of the WPF to broad brush all of them as being legalistic?