Well Heavenly... I see now YOU are caught up in a little micturition contest of your very own! Hilarious!!
Why do you suppose that Oneness man can not grasp the SIMPLE analogy you are drawing? Do you think it is because it would completely destroy his position or that he honestly can not grasp it?
I did and it is not even something a third grader would have trouble understanding.
You are moving the subject away from HEALING for the moment and moving it toward FAITH.
You asked him if he can COMPLETELY trust God for his daily bread and STILL be doing something on his own to earn it.
Of course IF he answers that in any way but the COMMON SENSE response YOU'VE GOT HIM!
And of course that is the Key to this whole thing...over and over again it is the key to the whole thing COMMON SENSE!
When you go to work you most certainly DO NOT trust your employer MORE than you trust God!
When you Lock Your doors at night you most certainly DO NOT trust the lock more than you trust God (Side note you would be SURPRISED at how many of these trust the Lord people also have HANDGUNS! I never saw a heavier armed people in all my life!)
The COMMON SENSE analogies are endless. I think that the reason you can not get an HONEST response from Oneness Man is because a.) either there is no honesty allowed in this subject or b.) This honestly is a man deprived OF all COMMON sense.
The two examples of MEN of GOD prescribing medicinal remedies for illness rather than divine healing are...
Hezekiah was sick unto death, we read this account in three places,
II Kings 20:8, II Chonicles 32:25 and Isaiah chapter 38
"Turn again and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people ,Thus saith the Lord the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears
***BEHOLD ***I**** WILL***HEAL*****THEE*******...
**********HOW did God heal Hezekiah?************************
By a miracle of divine healing? NO! He had Isaiah Prescribe MEDICINAL treatment for him!
" For Isaiah had said ,Let them take a lump of figs, and lay if for a plaister upon the boil, and he shall recover"
Isaiah 38:21
Why didn't God trust himself more than Medicinal remedies? why didn't Isaiah trust God Completely instead prescribing medicinal remedies??? Because that is not even an ISSUE with God, only with men of little faith and little understanding!
So here we have GOD through Isaiah HEALING through (wait for it, wait for it)
And then again in the New Testament we have what may well be the greatest of all the Apostles , The Apostle Paul when he heard about Timothy and his OFT INFIRMITIES NOT sending him a Prayer Cloth, NOT sending him oil for annointinng, but sending him a word of GOD ordained common sense,
"Take a Little Wine for thy stomachs sake AND THINE OFT INFIRMITIES"
Does anyone honestly for a moment think that the Apostle Paul trusted WINE more than he trusted God? Does anyone honestly believe that the prophet Isaiah trusted FIGS more than God???
Ridiculous. Both of these examples New and Old Testament are there to WARN us away from a false doctrine and false thinking that says that COMMON SENSE is LESS than GREAT FAITH.
The truth is with the list of NOTABLE men and women in that thinking who have died needlessly COMMON SENSE tells us that the reason God did NOT honour that "faith" and heal them to CONFIRM for us the validity of this position (of not taking a two second penicillin shot and thereby CHOOSING to allow a minor infection to rage out of control and take your life) that this is NOT the true course or expression of our FAITH, to tempt God ("This is the way you will do it God or I will allow myself to die! And God says ..."Well if you insist....")
but rather God himself works through Medicine as in the above examples to heal.
You wont win this argument because as you see Common sense and honest replies SIMPLY CANNOT BE A PART OF THIS DISCUSSION. Too bad really, so many good men and women died for their poor understanding of Great Faith.
By the way Mr. Oneness Man is using Jesus words about the SyroPhoenician woman having GREAT FAITH as though it reflects her position on REFUSING medicine in illness. It has NOTHING to do with that! Her daughter was vexed with a DEVIL. Her great faith had nothing to do with MEDICINE it had to do with her ability to be rebuffed by God manifest in the flesh AND STILL HOLD HER GROUND! STAND RIGHT BACK UP TO HIM! That is GREAT FAITH!
The Kind of Faith that caused Abraham to tell God on his way to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah "WAIT A MINUTE GOD!" The kind of faith that caused Moses to say to God when he was told to stand back, God would destory Israel and raise up a people from Him, "You're gonna have to kill me first!"
Great faith has nothing to do with medicine. It has to do with so boldly standing right in front of God and DEMANDING what you need from him that he is moved and ANSWERS differently than he had first thought to do!
The Syro Phoenician woman was told there IS no miracle for you! You are a dog. She stood right up to him! Thats true! yet dogs eat the crumbs that fall to the floor GIVE ME MY MIRACLE! The truth about this GREAT FAITH is that these people RECEIVED their request...The men and women that we sadly have been discussing sadly did NOT. God NOT honouring this foolishness with an answer.
Sorry , a whole new day of back and forth I am sure, but God in his silence to these people speaks LOUDLY to us. Good People Bad Doctrine