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08-06-2008, 12:09 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible
Originally Posted by erikwebster
Its generally thought Jesus is talking about a man lusting after a married woman.
That would be correct! It has nothing to do with lusting after another single woman. It is about lusting after anothers property or what another has etc.... with many other implications as well.

08-06-2008, 12:12 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible
Originally Posted by Dora
Can we say antiquated, archaic mindset???
Interesting we call God's laws antiquated because it does not "fit" our thoughts! Just like the points many here acting like God's law was unjust! Also the woman did not have to marry that man it was her choice!

08-06-2008, 12:12 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible
Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn
Again what you believe and what the Word says might be in Contradiciton... all through scripture God recognized women through their fathers or husbands.... A woman could not enter the Covenant except by circumcision.. which could only be performed in a man... she was recognized in the Covenant through the MAN.. now we are talking about a GOD that NEVER CHANGES.... he recognizes the woman through her head.. either her Father or Husband.
Of course he loves you and he loves you when you understand his desire for women to helpers to their husbands and mothers to their children.. and worshiipers and prayer warriors.... but to say that Polygamy is somehow demeaning to a woman is failure to understand the benefits of Polygamy throughout history.. in this country alone if all the women wanted a husand it couldn't happen... their are 8 million more women than men..... and yet God tells a woman to have a husband..... how can it happen for those 8 million women? Polygamy

08-06-2008, 12:16 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible
i think all the women who want to be married could find an eligible man, there are far more than 8 mill who dont want any part of marriage, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children

08-06-2008, 12:27 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible
Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn
Can we say liberal, feminist, anti Sola Scriptora mindset?
I am simply making the case as it is.... no matter what you have been trained to think.. if it opposes clear scriptural teachings... its Anti Word
I care about this neither way.. have one wife of 15 years and no desire for more.. but I will not be so closed minded as to promote my western mindset into the things of God.. as some are doing.... if you don't agree with it.. so be it but leave it out of the realm of it being WRONG
Dr. Vaughn,
If you give polygamy a pass based on allowances in the law and practices recorded in scripture, then mustn't you excuse divorce by the same token?
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road

08-06-2008, 12:36 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible
Originally Posted by ILG
If a man looks at a woman and lusts after her, he has committed adultery in his heart. Anybody guilty here guys?
This is a very deep subject. We have to define “lusting”. Is it merely enjoying a woman’s beauty or feeling physically attracted to her? Is it imagining what it would be like to be with her? If so, we’ve all done that one (unless one is a bit…well…light in the loafers). In fact, if those things are lusting every marriage today begins with lust. There is typically always physical attraction and desire for the woman you’re not married to prior to marriage, that’s normal. Lusting is when a man determines in his heart to pursue and obtain that which isn’t his. If I looked at a woman who was married to another man and set my heart on pursuing some encounter with her or to take her from her husband I will have committed adultery with her already in my heart. But if I see an attractive woman and acknowledge the attraction or my mind goes into a “dream land” for a couple minutes, I’ve not sinned as long as I prevent it from giving birth to the desire to actually pursue. If I look at a piece of art in a museum or a photo of a woman and find my self dazzled by her beauty I’ve not sinned. I might even imagine what it would be like to be with her…but I’m not in pursuit or actually desiring to “have” that woman. It’s just attraction and it’s normal.
Jesus is addressing something very dark in the male nature. He isn’t addressing the little boy who daydreams about being with his French teacher or the girl in Math class. He isn’t addressing a man’s desire for a wife or fantasy. Jesus isn’t condemning the young girl who lies awake in her bed anticipating her honeymoon and the joys of being with her beloved or the one she would like to marry. Jesus is addressing when a man looks at a woman and truly decides in his heart to pursue her, use her, and throw her away. He’s talking about that creep sitting on a bar stool that smiles to himself as he eyes a woman like some salivating and hungry wolf. Jesus is addressing a man who looks upon a woman and intends to actually act on his baser instinct by pursuing her though she isn’t his to have. He’s condemning the thrill of the hunt.

08-06-2008, 12:36 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible
Originally Posted by ILG
So, do you check the ring finger before you lust? When guys look at porn can they say "It's good thing these women don't have a wedding ring on?" Come on, where is there any respect for women here? Or do you think that women being looked at as property is biblical?
This really might not apply to this conversation but this came to mind here…
I have to dig out a book I had. We moved and I have a ton of books boxed up in my garage. The book is an illustrated rendition of the Song of Solomon. The art work was awesome…but let me tell you...if you have any prohibitions about human relations, don’t read or look at this book. Frankly, when I was in the Army I saw Playboys (they weren’t mine) cleaner than what the Song of Solomon depicts. At one point the Shulammite gets so caught up in her desire for her beloved she breaks into an erotic dance before her kinsmen. The image is of her dancing, uncovered, with her people clapping and cheering her on. They are all virtually reveling and celebrating in her expression of her desire for her beloved. I thought it odd that none are condemned. God doesn’t send a rebuke. The reality is that they are not seeking to “take her” or to be “lude” with her. In fact it would have been considered disrespectful not to celebrate and rejoice in her expression. It was a beautiful book, if I dig it out, I’ll have to make sure I don’t leave it on a book shelf. The book (Song of Solomon) would be sold in a brown wrapper if there was a photo shoot depicting it.
I know the book is interpreted today as being an allegory of Christ an the Church…but it’s only a powerful allegory if it first actually means what it depicts and then translates to New Testament realities. The question this generated in my young newlywed mind when the book was given to me was…if erotica is absolutely sinful…why is it in the Bible? LOL OK…confession time…my wife and I both found the book fascinating. Hope that doesn’t make me a creep. Pray for me if it does. LOL

08-06-2008, 12:37 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible
Originally Posted by ILG
I already made my case showing that God gave Adam Eve and that was it. I also made other scriptural references. The truth is that if I put all that work into it and spent all that time, I doubt it if it will change your mind anyway.
Did God originally give them clothes? LOL
My point is that we see the first man and first woman in Adam and Eve. But there isn’t a specific condemnation of polygamy there.

08-06-2008, 12:37 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible
Originally Posted by Dora
I have to say that I think polygamy was a custom meant to populate the earth in the OT. Also, women are definitely in a vulnerable position in this deal. Using women as a means to elevate your social standing as if a woman is a Cadillac Escalade is just disgusting. The idea that a man having multiple wives is an acceptable lifestyle in modern times, just blows my mind. We're right back to viewing women as property, de-valuing their position in the family and in the body of Christ. I think the idea of polygamy as a viable family situation went out with the arrival of Christ. He treated women with respect and dignity. Polygamy is the antithesis of dignifying women. It put them in the place of a slave, animal or piece of property. I can't believe the CRUD I'm reading here! Where did you guys come from? Where are the men standing against this JUNK???
I think viewing women to elevate social standing is terrible too sis. But that’s not inherent in polygamy….that happens in monogamy as well. Men are nearly always looking for that “trophy wife” or pressuring some poor girl to try to meet their expectations to elevate their social standing.
In our society polygamy is unnecessary so men only get one thing out of it…and yes…it objectifies women. But biblical polygamy is different. It was a brutal world. I’m sure that you’d agree that polygamy is morally superior to the idea of thousands of women being sold into slavery or entering prostitution. Biblical polygamy protected women from a very brutal world.
So please don’t think I’m talking about polygamy as would be practiced today. I’m looking at it in its biblical context and expressing it’s over all value to their society. I firmly believe that if we lived in a decimated world after a global catastrophe we’d see a resurgence of the practice out of the necessity to protect women, the family heritage, and the family wealth.

08-06-2008, 12:39 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible
Originally Posted by erikwebster
That sounds great .. and I agree monogamy is the ideal just looking at history.
But no, when it comes to polygamy Christ never taught against it, it was never forbidden in the NT except for leadership. And the OT took it as a normal part of society.
And it doesnt matter if it conflicts with your personal Jesus or the bible. its there and you gotta love it or not... because its as far away as your nearest bible in the house.
It hurts your conscience because it seems to go against your view of feminine roles in modern society.. i understand that. But once again single females with the ability to work a self determined job, or have financial independence is a fairly new thing that is less than 80 years old out of nearly 7,000 years of human history.
I can understand how this feels like a kick to the teeth for a moderate/liberal lady with a strong self image.. but in this case the scriptures say what they say... and they don't say what you want them to say on this particular issue.
Probably one of the better post so far. I definitely am a one woman man. I want to love her and her alone. I have no desire to be with any other woman, and fight or flee any temptation mental, physical, ect. I can not phathom having more than one wife, and wouldn't feel right in doing so.
Scriptural approach though, I can't condemn or tell anyone that is in Polygamy that they are "wrong", in "sin" , or "lost" other than a minister.
There's just not a basis for it. I happen to be a male, if I was female (due to society and conditioning of the present times) this would hurt me to hear in a way. It would make me feel less important or like a second rate being to a male. I understand that, and I'm sorry, I can't find reason/scripture to disprove it or I would. I would rather monogamy be the only and right choice according to God, but it's not about my ways.
Lastly , to remind you - I care nothing for monogamy and find it disturbing in a sense, but i'm sure that's due to my "conditioning and present time mentality". I would discourage it if someone came seeking advice or guidance, but I could not tell them it was going to cause them to miss heaven.
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