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Old 08-06-2008, 10:17 AM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I hope you don’t think I’m arguing “for polygamy”. I’m just telling what I believe is the truth about a subject as I understand it. Here’s the issue with polygamy…not only does God not outright condemn it…he commands it (in the case of Liverite Marriage and rape) and gave Moses Laws by which to govern it and concubinage. If it was morally repugnant or undesirable in God’s sight, the giving of the Law would be the opportunity to express such sentiment. God blesses, and the Scriptures even praise, men who had multiple wives. No hint of condemnation is given. And after studying ancient marriage customs I’m convinced that marriage in ancient Israel was more of a social contract to be closed or opened as the individuals in said contract felt was necessary. And as long as none violated their covenant by violating their spouse’s will or taking that which belonged to another, God issues no sanction or condemnation.

Now…fast forward to the New Testament. I believe the Bishop was to serve as an example to the church. Not only does monogamy provide more harmony in the home but monogamy better symbolizes the relationship between Christ (one Lord) and his bride (one church).
Actually Aquila I would disagree. The church or bride is made of many members.
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:19 AM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by LUKE2447 View Post
Actually you are incorrect he told David he would have "given" him more if he would have asked than take Beth Sheba. Also God told one to take his brothers wife so his lineage would continue.

Also the law gave laws on situation concerned in polygamy. The problem you are taking the initial instance and trying to say THIS IS IT or THIS IS BEST! Well hate to bust your bubble but that logic doesn't work as God worked within polygamy many times to do what he wanted.

Interesting indeed......
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:24 AM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

This discussion has many implications... including divorce.

If a man remarries another woman... its not adultry in Gods eyes.. only if a woman remarries technically.

Theres a bit more gas for the fire..
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:27 AM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by erikwebster View Post
This discussion has many implications... including divorce.

If a man remarries another woman... its not adultry in Gods eyes.. only if a woman remarries technically.

Theres a bit more gas for the fire..
I hope you are not trying to say a man has a right to remarry but a woman doesn't???
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:28 AM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I hope you don’t think I’m arguing “for polygamy”. I’m just telling what I believe is the truth about a subject as I understand it. Here’s the issue with polygamy…not only does God not outright condemn it…he commands it (in the case of Liverite Marriage and rape) and gave Moses Laws by which to govern it and concubinage. If it was morally repugnant or undesirable in God’s sight, the giving of the Law would be the opportunity to express such sentiment. God blesses, and the Scriptures even praise, men who had multiple wives. No hint of condemnation is given. And after studying ancient marriage customs I’m convinced that marriage in ancient Israel was more of a social contract to be closed or opened as the individuals in said contract felt was necessary. And as long as none violated their covenant by violating their spouse’s will or taking that which belonged to another, God issues no sanction or condemnation.

Now…fast forward to the New Testament. I believe the Bishop was to serve as an example to the church. Not only does monogamy provide more harmony in the home but monogamy better symbolizes the relationship between Christ (one Lord) and his bride (one church).
"If a man find a damsel that is not betrothed and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days" Deut 22:28,29

So, if a man rapes your daughter are you going to let the rapist buy her and marry her? Is this the kind of law you want to live your life by? When Jesus came, he said that Moses wrote some things because of the hardness of men's hearts. I believe that the liberal view towards polygamy falls under this category. I do not live by the law. I am under grace. Jesus blew a lot of things out of the water when it came to the things the Pharisees belived and practiced and He always practiced in favor of the rights of people and the needs of people. Polygamy tramples the rights of women and children in many cases, unless you are talking about men throwing away women and children they have married in polygamous cases because they no longer want to be responsible. God gave Adam one wife and he also asked that his leaders in the NT be married to only one wife (that is my view). When we are rightly dividing the Word, we need to look at the rights of people. Joseph could have had Mary stoned for fornication but instead the Bible said that because he was righteous he was going to put her away privily. Jesus did not stone the woman taken in adultery even though He was the one without sin. Think about what that means.
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:28 AM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

i would say the scripture sure seems to imply that.

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Old 08-06-2008, 10:29 AM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by erikwebster View Post
i would say the scripture sure seems to imply that.

Imply what?
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:30 AM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by LUKE2447 View Post
Aquila of course to most of the people they think LEAVING A CHILD without a father is better than taking the woman to be his wife along with his other wife. Actually it is sickening to think about the result of the current mentality.
I think both things are sick.
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:32 AM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
Imply what?
if you follow the chain of logic a man can have multiple wifes and be ok in gods sight if you go strictly by scripture.

if a man sends away his wife and she remarries she is in adultry.

but a if a man can have multiple wifes and he is still married in Gods eyes to the woman he divorced legally and he remarries another woman he is ok because he can have multiple wifes and not be in sin if you go 100% by the scriptures.

i threw that in there after thinking about this discussion for a hour or so last night and doing about 2 hours of research in the scripture and in history as far as biblical polygamy, divorce and sexual laws go.
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:35 AM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

If a man looks at a woman and lusts after her, he has committed adultery in his heart. Anybody guilty here guys?
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