Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
Thank you ddear friend, your words mean much to me. It hurts me to see people trying to kill each other...no wonder the church does not gain a lot of ground...to busy wounding and killing her own...
A hug to your children...Mother Alvear
I am glad YOU said this and not me. The truth is there are a lot of people out there with an AWFUL lot of time on their hands. And why they have to use their free time to slowly MURDER men and womens ministries is utterly beyond me!
I remember the habit of a man in the ACI who was known inside its ranks to be a very vicious and destructive man to other ministers IN that same group! HIS habit would be when you would sit in the office with him to say "Hey, have YOU heard anything about Brother so and so being arrested for child molestation?" " When I would reply in absolute astonishment..."NO! HAVE YOU?" He would say, "No , I was just asking if you had HEARD that." And it hit me after the second or third time "Thats how this guy gets the material he uses to destroy his brethren behind their backs!"
(YOU KNOW who I am talking about, even if you dont realize it.)
I THINK these guys NEED to get a TV! Their minds tend to wander towards absolute evil and destruction when unoccupied! Better to watch UGLY BETTY or The O'REILLY FACTOR than to sit around actively destroying mens lives!
Because they dont WATCH soap box operas they write their own! Mr "HAVE YOU HEARD" when I asked him if he didnt think it was potentially destructve to talk about good men like that because you may give someone else the impression that you do INDEED have some information like that which you are merely trying to corroborate, may indeed result in THEM going off and spreading the "Brother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Said that Brother so and so was arrested for child molestation!. HIS reply ??? "If they didnt do anything they dont have anything to worry about!"
That same kind of garbage seems to be playing out again in your case. Some day I may email you and let you know the outright MURDER they tried to commit with me in MY ministry and life! But you know what, YEARS ago, back in the 1970's a woman of God came to me one day and said she had a word from the Lord for me that I needed to bury deep in my heart because the day would come when it would stand me in good stead encouragement wise, and it was this "NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER"
Sister Alvear, that word is for all of us!
Your wonderful nephew Jonathan preached a message that pointed out "WHEN THE ENEMY SHALL COME IN LIKE A FLOOD THE LORD WILL RAISE UP A BANNER AGAINST HIM" Not IF the enemy shall come in but WHEN he *SHALL* come in...its a given, but Gods people always wether the storm, you know that.
Old Brother Edmund Dyess always used to growl at us HIS piece of advice....
Just rest easy, this too shall pass, and these poisoned men will tire of discussing and ripping you and your work and move on to the flavour of tomorrow. ( Just hoping and praying it wont be ME again!!!!! YIIIIIIIIKES)