Originally Posted by U376977
I would not say that even as a joke. Do you have no fear?
Not afraid that God will burn me forever, no.
You, on the other hand, if you believe in hell, better be shaking in your boots. You
think you know how to avoid it, but you can't possibly be 100% sure you won't end up there. How can you? There is so much argument about salvation, you better hope you picked the right set of steps (whether it's 3 or 1 or whatever), and followed them all, just right. Even if you did, is there absolutely no chance that you'll slip up some time in your life, maybe just before you die? Even if you believe OSAS (once saved always saved), how can you be 100% sure 1) that OSAS really is true and 2) you are really saved in the first place?
BTW, I freely admit that I could be wrong. Do you?