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Old 07-28-2008, 02:49 PM
Michlow Michlow is offline
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Re: How Did You Get There?

Originally Posted by gloryseeker View Post
What is interesting to me is that the majority of people on this forum are OP's, yet within that definition there is a wide variety of opinions.

I am curious if people would be interested in sharing their testimony of how they arrived at their current belief system?
  • What were the biggest influences that formed your belief (could be an event, Bible College, etc)?
  • Who (don't specifically put their name, Pastor, parents, etc would be good) made the biggest impact on your belief system.
  • It would be especially interesting to hear about people who changed positions somewhere along the way. Why, what influenced it.

What I would hope, if people decide to participate in this post, is that people are not challenged for what got them where they are, but that it is just an exchange of personal testimonies.
I was raised in a mainly non-religious home. My parents were on-again off-again Christian Scientists, and I attended sunday school there periodicly up until about age 9. My Dad remarried when I was 6, and my Step-Mom and her entire family (who were all very close) were Catholics.

In middle school I often attended youth group with a friend of mine (some kind of non-denominational?). I accepted Jesus one day in my living room, with said friend. That pretty much stopped around age 13.

The summer between my first and second year of college, I was working in a gas station, when I was witnessed to, and invited to an Apostolic church. I attended a few times, and was baptized, but discontinued attendance when the new school year started.

When I was about 24, I started getting interested in the spiritual. I tried to read my Bible, but it was a KJV and didn't get much from it. So I ask a girl I knew was a Christian if she had any books I could read. I remember starting one of them early in the morning, while waiting to get ready for work. I got so into it that I called in sick to work so that I could finish it!

When I decided that I might want to go to church, I decided to go back to the UPC one that I had attended a few times years back. I eventually got the holy ghost, and then got pretty into the OP doctrine.

I was starting to question things, when I found the original FCF. It took me a few years, and a few pendulum swings before I decided to leave the Apostolic faith entirely. I actually ended up leaving conservative / fundamentalist Christianity entirely.

I had many issues due to some bad church situations, wrong teachings, and abuse of power. I was very angry, and had a very warped and distorted view of God. And got to the point where I was pretty much ready to chuck it all, and be glad of it.

Now, I am fairly liberal and lean towards progressive / emergent Christianity.
I feel like it is only now, that I have begun to get a true understanding of Jesus and faith.

The people who have really impacted me? Those who had traveled similar roads, they showed me so much love and patience, and didn't treat me like I was something broken that they needed to fix, but allowed me to meander my way to Jesus.

The writers whose books opened new realm of thought to me, that helped to repair the distorted thoughts that were so prevelant in my mind: Brian McClaren, Rob Bell, Gregory A. Boyd.
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Old 07-28-2008, 03:03 PM
gloryseeker gloryseeker is offline
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Re: How Did You Get There?

Originally Posted by Michlow View Post
I was raised in a mainly non-religious home. My parents were on-again off-again Christian Scientists, and I attended sunday school there periodicly up until about age 9. My Dad remarried when I was 6, and my Step-Mom and her entire family (who were all very close) were Catholics.

In middle school I often attended youth group with a friend of mine (some kind of non-denominational?). I accepted Jesus one day in my living room, with said friend. That pretty much stopped around age 13.

The summer between my first and second year of college, I was working in a gas station, when I was witnessed to, and invited to an Apostolic church. I attended a few times, and was baptized, but discontinued attendance when the new school year started.

When I was about 24, I started getting interested in the spiritual. I tried to read my Bible, but it was a KJV and didn't get much from it. So I ask a girl I knew was a Christian if she had any books I could read. I remember starting one of them early in the morning, while waiting to get ready for work. I got so into it that I called in sick to work so that I could finish it!

When I decided that I might want to go to church, I decided to go back to the UPC one that I had attended a few times years back. I eventually got the holy ghost, and then got pretty into the OP doctrine.

I was starting to question things, when I found the original FCF. It took me a few years, and a few pendulum swings before I decided to leave the Apostolic faith entirely. I actually ended up leaving conservative / fundamentalist Christianity entirely.

I had many issues due to some bad church situations, wrong teachings, and abuse of power. I was very angry, and had a very warped and distorted view of God. And got to the point where I was pretty much ready to chuck it all, and be glad of it.

Now, I am fairly liberal and lean towards progressive / emergent Christianity.
I feel like it is only now, that I have begun to get a true understanding of Jesus and faith.

The people who have really impacted me? Those who had traveled similar roads, they showed me so much love and patience, and didn't treat me like I was something broken that they needed to fix, but allowed me to meander my way to Jesus.

The writers whose books opened new realm of thought to me, that helped to repair the distorted thoughts that were so prevelant in my mind: Brian McClaren, Rob Bell, Gregory A. Boyd.
As I was reading your post two thoughts occurred to me. All of the post I have read so far where people "came to church" (as opposed to being raised in church) was done so through the touch of another person. They didn't come by way of a track or advertisement.

You mentioned being hurt, which seems to be common in church. That also came through the touch of people. Our lives are so important in how we interact in the church.

Now, a curiosity question. You stated that you have left the apostolic way, yet you are on an apostolic forum. What is your interest in this forum?
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Old 07-28-2008, 05:15 PM
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nahkoe nahkoe is offline
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Re: How Did You Get There?

Oh...a testimony thread! lol This could take awhile...

I grew up in a Reformed Church of America. Nice little church in a little town. When I was 12, my mom remarried a man who'd been attending an Open Door church (yeah, the one with bikers and tattoos and all that....lol). We started looking for a new church, Assembly of God was the *only* Spirit Filled option, and there were only 2 within half an hour (one 30 min one direction, one 30 min the other). So my mom and stepdad decided on the smaller one.

Got the Holy Ghost, started studying, a lot. A whole lot. Started asking questions that I now realize probably made the pastor and youth pastor mighty uncomfortable (where are the Scripture references for the Trinity?)...lol.

Ended up being burned there, in a very, very, very big way when I was 16. I never felt very much at home there and spent time visiting home churches, prayer meetings, and going on as many mission trips as I could find to go on until I moved out at 17.

I started going to a very wealthy name it/claim it non denominational church right before I moved out (catching rides, an hour one way, with whatever church member I could). I attended there for awhile. I walked into the pastor's study one Sunday and told him I was going to be moving on. He told me he'd already known that and had been waiting for me to come to him. He gave me his blessing to move on (that feels mighty icky reading it now, but that's where I was then..oh well).

I then started attending another non denominational church that ended up being very controlling, to the point of abusive. I did go on my last mission trip with that church, my only foreign mission trip, to Mexico. My then fiance, now ex husband, made it impossible for me to go on any more mission trips after we married that winter.

Right before the mission trip to Mexico, I had moved on from that church (still friends with most who attended, including the pastor, and was involved with an inner city outreach ministry with them even after leaving).

I attended a very black COGIC (in a VERY WHITE area of the midwest...VERY WHITE...). I absolutely loved that church, the passion, the fire. My ex and I ended up in ministry in a big way. We were involved, btwn the two of us, in almost every single aspect of this church. This was a church with a definite inner circle. Once we got into the inner circle, we started seeing things that were a little unsettling. When we eloped and the pastor got very angry because we had ruined the christening of the new church building (oh wow...lol) we moved on.

We ended up in a little church, not Vineyard but had been until shortly before we started attending there. This church plays a pretty big part in my story. It was a very healing place to be. We ended up with several couples who mentored us and prayed for us, and supported us.

My ex enlisted in the Air Force and we moved to San Antonio. He had attended an UPC while in basic training (because the service time was during the time when his dorm had to clean the bathrooms....talk about priorities...lol) After I moved down there, I didn't like that church so we didn't go anywhere for awhile. We moved on to Wichita Falls 3 months later and didn't attend there either.

Once we got to a permanent duty station in Florida, we did look for a church. We landed in an enormous charismatic, non denominational church. I ended up quite frustrated with the "give us money so we can build a bigger/better/prettier building, but no we won't help anyone in the church who has needs" attitude.

We started looking and gradually ended up not attending at all.

Around this time, I was involved with an online ministry. I had so much counsel to *NOT* stop attending church. I was told that cutting myself off from accountability was a very unwise decision, that I'd end up slipping. I had several pastors in this ministry reach out to me. I really wish I could find them back, I've tried for the last several months.

After I'd stopped attending church (this is where I have to begin speaking for myself, and not us as a couple, I believe now that my ex's path may have been quite different than I was led to believe at that time) I had told God that I needed to know *Him* and not some religion.

I began studying different denominations, different groups and belief systems. I was involved for a time with some Messianic Christians, as well as some who just believed in studying the Old Testament culture and customs in order to understand the New Testament.

But, instead of pursuing that, I began studying outside of Christianity. I looked at Hinduism, Buddhism, Wicca, Witchcraft (yes, they are 2 different, separate, things), other Eastern religions, Mormonism, etc.

I started practicing witchcraft, and dedicated as a witch, about a year after I started studying about it. I immersed myself in the study of shamanism and witchcraft. I drummed with a Shaman for quite awhile. I visited medicine wheels and participated in the circles.

Just over a year ago I went to an UPC church because a friend asked me to. A friend I respected (she'd given me the first spells I used when I started spellcasting, etc, etc, etc). The presence of God was completely overwhelming as soon as I walked in those doors. I kept going back, trying to figure out why I was there. This wasn't the God I knew. I fought with God, struggled, wrestled, would give a little and then take it back. Sometimes as much as I'd given and more, sometimes not as much as I'd given.

About 6 months after I started attending this church, the pastor told me I was going to hell because of a choice I'd made regarding one of my children (and that is so very much the short version of that story).

Right around the same time, I met someone at AFF who has been the most instrumental person in my walk with God, to this point at least. (some of y'all know who it is..some of y'all don't..that's ok).

For the next 6 months, I didn't attend church very often. I did watch sermons online, and began emailing with the pastor of a church several states away from where I lived then.

I kept looking for a church, I tried some independent pentecostal churches. They were too far away, or too big (my vehicle wasn't very dependable..at all) (and I really wasn't in a position to get lost in the crowd..I was still fighting with God, wrestling with the reality of His love).

I finally settled into a Foursquare church. Sort of. lol When I attended, that's where I went, but it wasn't very often.

In June, I ended up moving to the city with the church I'd been attending online. I've been attending there since. It's an Hebraic Roots congregation. This is absolutely where I need to be right now. I've finally made my peace with the overwhelming, powerful, incredible love of God.
You become free from who you have become, by becoming who you were meant to be. ~Mark from another forum I post on

God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. ~Romans 3:24 from The Message
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Old 07-28-2008, 05:29 PM
gloryseeker gloryseeker is offline
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Re: How Did You Get There?

Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
Oh...a testimony thread! lol This could take awhile...

I grew up in a Reformed Church of America. Nice little church in a little town. When I was 12, my mom remarried a man who'd been attending an Open Door church (yeah, the one with bikers and tattoos and all that....lol). We started looking for a new church, Assembly of God was the *only* Spirit Filled option, and there were only 2 within half an hour (one 30 min one direction, one 30 min the other). So my mom and stepdad decided on the smaller one.

Got the Holy Ghost, started studying, a lot. A whole lot. Started asking questions that I now realize probably made the pastor and youth pastor mighty uncomfortable (where are the Scripture references for the Trinity?)...lol.

Ended up being burned there, in a very, very, very big way when I was 16. I never felt very much at home there and spent time visiting home churches, prayer meetings, and going on as many mission trips as I could find to go on until I moved out at 17.

I started going to a very wealthy name it/claim it non denominational church right before I moved out (catching rides, an hour one way, with whatever church member I could). I attended there for awhile. I walked into the pastor's study one Sunday and told him I was going to be moving on. He told me he'd already known that and had been waiting for me to come to him. He gave me his blessing to move on (that feels mighty icky reading it now, but that's where I was then..oh well).

I then started attending another non denominational church that ended up being very controlling, to the point of abusive. I did go on my last mission trip with that church, my only foreign mission trip, to Mexico. My then fiance, now ex husband, made it impossible for me to go on any more mission trips after we married that winter.

Right before the mission trip to Mexico, I had moved on from that church (still friends with most who attended, including the pastor, and was involved with an inner city outreach ministry with them even after leaving).

I attended a very black COGIC (in a VERY WHITE area of the midwest...VERY WHITE...). I absolutely loved that church, the passion, the fire. My ex and I ended up in ministry in a big way. We were involved, btwn the two of us, in almost every single aspect of this church. This was a church with a definite inner circle. Once we got into the inner circle, we started seeing things that were a little unsettling. When we eloped and the pastor got very angry because we had ruined the christening of the new church building (oh wow...lol) we moved on.

We ended up in a little church, not Vineyard but had been until shortly before we started attending there. This church plays a pretty big part in my story. It was a very healing place to be. We ended up with several couples who mentored us and prayed for us, and supported us.

My ex enlisted in the Air Force and we moved to San Antonio. He had attended an UPC while in basic training (because the service time was during the time when his dorm had to clean the bathrooms....talk about priorities...lol) After I moved down there, I didn't like that church so we didn't go anywhere for awhile. We moved on to Wichita Falls 3 months later and didn't attend there either.

Once we got to a permanent duty station in Florida, we did look for a church. We landed in an enormous charismatic, non denominational church. I ended up quite frustrated with the "give us money so we can build a bigger/better/prettier building, but no we won't help anyone in the church who has needs" attitude.

We started looking and gradually ended up not attending at all.

Around this time, I was involved with an online ministry. I had so much counsel to *NOT* stop attending church. I was told that cutting myself off from accountability was a very unwise decision, that I'd end up slipping. I had several pastors in this ministry reach out to me. I really wish I could find them back, I've tried for the last several months.

After I'd stopped attending church (this is where I have to begin speaking for myself, and not us as a couple, I believe now that my ex's path may have been quite different than I was led to believe at that time) I had told God that I needed to know *Him* and not some religion.

I began studying different denominations, different groups and belief systems. I was involved for a time with some Messianic Christians, as well as some who just believed in studying the Old Testament culture and customs in order to understand the New Testament.

But, instead of pursuing that, I began studying outside of Christianity. I looked at Hinduism, Buddhism, Wicca, Witchcraft (yes, they are 2 different, separate, things), other Eastern religions, Mormonism, etc.

I started practicing witchcraft, and dedicated as a witch, about a year after I started studying about it. I immersed myself in the study of shamanism and witchcraft. I drummed with a Shaman for quite awhile. I visited medicine wheels and participated in the circles.

Just over a year ago I went to an UPC church because a friend asked me to. A friend I respected (she'd given me the first spells I used when I started spellcasting, etc, etc, etc). The presence of God was completely overwhelming as soon as I walked in those doors. I kept going back, trying to figure out why I was there. This wasn't the God I knew. I fought with God, struggled, wrestled, would give a little and then take it back. Sometimes as much as I'd given and more, sometimes not as much as I'd given.

About 6 months after I started attending this church, the pastor told me I was going to hell because of a choice I'd made regarding one of my children (and that is so very much the short version of that story).

Right around the same time, I met someone at AFF who has been the most instrumental person in my walk with God, to this point at least. (some of y'all know who it is..some of y'all don't..that's ok).

For the next 6 months, I didn't attend church very often. I did watch sermons online, and began emailing with the pastor of a church several states away from where I lived then.

I kept looking for a church, I tried some independent pentecostal churches. They were too far away, or too big (my vehicle wasn't very dependable..at all) (and I really wasn't in a position to get lost in the crowd..I was still fighting with God, wrestling with the reality of His love).

I finally settled into a Foursquare church. Sort of. lol When I attended, that's where I went, but it wasn't very often.

In June, I ended up moving to the city with the church I'd been attending online. I've been attending there since. It's an Hebraic Roots congregation. This is absolutely where I need to be right now. I've finally made my peace with the overwhelming, powerful, incredible love of God.
It is amazing what people go through. Thanks for sharing, this was really interesting. Keep pursuing Him!
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Old 07-28-2008, 08:17 PM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: How Did You Get There?

Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
In June, I ended up moving to the city with the church I'd been attending online. I've been attending there since. It's an Hebraic Roots congregation. This is absolutely where I need to be right now. I've finally made my peace with the overwhelming, powerful, incredible love of God.
Could I ask the name of the congregation you attend? Is it predominately African-American?

Bro. Alex
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Old 07-28-2008, 08:22 PM
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nahkoe nahkoe is offline
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Re: How Did You Get There?

Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
Could I ask the name of the congregation you attend? Is it predominately African-American?

Bro. Alex
Restoration Fellowship WorldWide.

The congregation is *tiny*. Very, very, very tiny. Predominately Caucasian at this point
You become free from who you have become, by becoming who you were meant to be. ~Mark from another forum I post on

God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. ~Romans 3:24 from The Message
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Old 07-28-2008, 09:00 PM
Michlow Michlow is offline
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Re: How Did You Get There?

Originally Posted by gloryseeker View Post
As I was reading your post two thoughts occurred to me. All of the post I have read so far where people "came to church" (as opposed to being raised in church) was done so through the touch of another person. They didn't come by way of a track or advertisement.

You mentioned being hurt, which seems to be common in church. That also came through the touch of people. Our lives are so important in how we interact in the church.

Now, a curiosity question. You stated that you have left the apostolic way, yet you are on an apostolic forum. What is your interest in this forum?
Well, the main reason I have stayed at this forum, is because I have been interacting with many of the people here for as much as 5 years. Even in "real life" I have remained friends with several people who are still Apostolic.

I didn't stop loving people just because my theology changed (and I certainly hope they haven't stopped loving me!!)
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