Ok...I quit my job....dont know where I'm going from here as far as employment but I do feel as if I am in the will of God.Well....we had the last service of Impact last night....we were around the alter and I had a check my parents had given me to kinda help with some finances...I had already given everything but that in the offering...so God started dealing with me...I'm not fearing anything right now...even though I have stepped out of my boat onto the water I am NOT afraid!...Its really weird!I mean I know I should be feeling fear and panic but I'm not....so unless SOMEONE slipped my some Valium...its gotta be God....anywho...I sign the back of the check and put it on the altar...trusting God...well...my last check came in direct deposit today....so I go to the back and instead of the $375 I have $550! I DONT KNOW WHERE IT CAME FROM BUT IT IS THERE!!!!!!!They said it was some sort of credit that came in today!Now TELL me my God dont know how to work!
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.