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Old 03-21-2007, 01:01 PM
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Praxeas Praxeas is offline
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Originally Posted by Chan View Post
There is nothing in this that says these things he described were THE RESULT of the "awesome move of God." The words he used, and the exact order in which he used them, shows he was saying those things he listed WERE the move of God (the "move" being the "anointing and presence of God" that "was so incredibly strong").
There is NOTHING in this either that EQUATES those things with a move of God as YOU indicated. That was my point originally. Read what I said again

When I read it, it neither speculated that the things itself were a move of God or specifically that they were evidence of a move of God
I think your reading of what HE said seems biased. Unless the guy directly said it was the move of God. In fact he has a PERIOD to end his statement and then starts a new statement with what happens. He could be refering to the RESULT of the move of God and thus he details what happened as a result. Perhaps he sees them as evidence of the move of God, but you seem to be interpreting what he meant.

Who was doing that? The original poster testified about it in such a way as to suggest it was out of the ordinary and I was questioning why it is out of the ordinary.
You seemed to be doing more than questioning why it was out of the ordinary. You speculated that such occurrences were NOT genuine. Go back and re-read the conversations we have and comparing them to David...Perhaps that is not how you intended it but that is how it seems. You were doing more than arguing that this should be a regular occurrence.

Well, it was more likely they were finding the altar but hopefully they were covenanting with God to alter their backslidden lives. And, yes, he was saying this was part of the move itself.
He did not explicitly state that...nor does it seem implied. Perhaps you should ask him to explain?

You're not getting it! He didn't merely attribute it to the move of God (my previous use of "attribute" was wrong), he said this was part of the move itself. What these people were REALLY doing was THEIR REACTION, THEIR RESPONSE.
No that is not what he said. You are reading that INTO what he said. Perhaps that is what he meant, but only a biased reading of what the person said can come to that conclusion. Maybe you can ask this person nicely to explain what they meant?

You still haven't shown that God does "move" in the Church.
What?? You've already confirmed you believe this to be the case....otherwise why question this is not a normal occurrance...unless you have a different notion of what "move" means. Are you saying that when YOU have church God is NOT anywhere around or doing anything at all in that meeting? I think I have already posted PLENTY Of scriptures to PROVE that God is present when we get together. If you have not seen that then there is no point in pestering me for more information to your satisfaction

Again, saying that all those things WERE the move itself or the evidence of the move.
Why can't some backslider repenting be evidence that God was there doing something? Why can't someone having faith for a victory be evidence that God was doing something there?

There's a difference between what God does and what we do. As for musical "stimulus," this is what I was referring to, this notion of using music or preaching to manufacture a particular emotional response and then claiming it was God moving.
I see it differently. In some cases the stimulus MOVES us to have faith and worship God. God responds to our faith...do I need to prove that too?

Not inspired. Induced or manufactured a particular response as so often happens in Pentecostal churches. You cannot deny that musical and preaching style, volume, etc. are used to INDUCE a certain emotional response.
Why would I deny it? We admit it! Music is a powerful emotional tool. Paul was a powerful speaker that obviously said words that moved people's emotions. Maybe this is a gift of God. Musicians and song writers are gifted. David was gifted to write moving psalms. They invoke our passions and cause us to praise God and believe Him. I have no problem with that. It's a part of edifying people.

We can make a judgment based on what someone who was there reported and how he reported it. You still haven't shown that God actually "moves" in a service or that there are times when, somehow, God is not there and has to be induced to "drop by" as it were.
Wait...why would I want to show you two contradictory things? Just which one do you believe is true? God is there....God isn't there? Why do I need to prove God moves in a service and then prove God does NOT move in a service?!?!?!

And as I stated before. I have already posted many scriptures as evidence. Jesus said where two or more are gathered in my name there am I in the midst of them.

Let me ask you...was Jesus in the midst of the disciples all those days they waited to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
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Old 03-27-2007, 01:15 AM
Joelel Joelel is offline

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Originally Posted by Chan View Post
Show me where the Bible says that God "MOVES" in the Church.
[1] And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
[2] And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
[3] And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
[4] And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
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