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Old 06-23-2008, 05:06 PM
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Jesus is the Christ

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Re: For My Own Eyes

Originally Posted by Brad Murphy View Post
I accepted my fate long ago, when I realized that from all of the things I have heard preached as sin over a pentecostal pulpit that there is no possible way that anyone can make it to Heaven, unless they are fortunate enough to die a nanosecond after their last repentance... I am making no attempt to get to Heaven, so I might as well make the most of the life that I have here.

To use one of my older analogies, it is like going to Six Flags and having to make the decision on whether to wait all day to ride the new ride (which will either break, or you won't be tall enough to ride it when you get to the end of the line), or ride the older rides as many times as I want with no waiting.

In other words, why spend my whole life unable to do anything because everything is a sin, and still go to hell because I forgot to use my turn signal on the way home from church. I can at least live the life that I have been given and not squander it living in fear and guilt in a world where everything other than reading your bible and going to church is a sin.

God created me, he gave me a sin nature which makes it impossible for me to NOT sin (based on the logic from pretty much any Christian), and then I am supposed to apologize when I inevitably do sin... or I face eternal punishment by the one who made it possible for me to sin in the first place.

Again, I'm not forming an argument, I am just stating my position. Honestly, I am just regurgitating things that I have stated for several years on these forums until I finally got frustrated and left.

I will admit that I admire your view of religion.... based on a few of your posts in this thread, you see it as a thing of beauty and wonder... obviously, I am unable to see what you see.

The life that you described is not the product of gospel of Jesus Christ. A Christian is not active in his or her pursuit of sin because the seed of God abides in him or her. Your testimony is why I do not support many of the standards that some pentecostal project. Like your case that make it seem that one has to earn his or her way to heaven. Brandon this is not the case. God will not send someone to hell for not putting on the turn signal, etc.

God has an abundant life for the believer. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory. I was a person who lived in rank sin and the life that I lived then has no comparison to the joy and peace that I now have in Jesus Christ.
If ye believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins. John 8:24

Mone me, amabo te, si erro

No real problem exists over the use of "The Name" in everthing else done in the Church. Why then should there exist great controversy over the use of the "The Name of the Godhead" in water baptism?
Kevin J. Conner The Name of God p. 92
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